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पेड़ की टहनी Meaning in English

पेड़ की टहनी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tree branch

पेड़-की-टहनी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""चाकू और शेर की खाल उसकी पसंदीदा पोशाक है, उसका पसंदीदा आवास स्थान एक आरामदायक पेड़ की टहनी है, जब वह सोना चाहता है, तब वहां आराम करता है, कच्चा मांस उसका पसंदीदा भोजन है, जिसे वह खुद मार कर खाता है; यहां तक कि वह कभी कभी इस मांस को एक सप्ताह के लिए मिटटी में दबा देता है ताकि अपघटन की प्रक्रिया से यह कुछ नर्म हो जाये।

वीर्यवान् महाकपि ने तब अपने साथियों को बचाने के लिए कूदते हुए उस पेड़ के निकट की एक पहाड़ी पर स्थित एक बेंत की लकड़ी को अपने पैरों से फँसा कर, फिर से उसी पेड़ की टहनी को अपने दोनों हाथों से पकड़ कर लेट अपने साथियों के लिए एक पुल का निर्माण कर लिया।

पेड़-की-टहनी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

S'chach has to derive from things that have "grown from the ground", such as palm leaves, bamboo sticks and pine tree branches.

According to the prose life, his mother entered labour while walking through the woods; when she grasped a tree branch for support, it is said to have blossomed to foretell the virtues of the saint.

Trains on the Braintree branch of the Red Line and the Old Colony and Greenbush commuter rail lines run past Savin Hill on parallel tracks without stopping.

Nearby JFK/UMass, a busy transfer station, received a Braintree branch platform in 1988 and a commuter rail platform in 2001.

In this scenario, a second commuter rail track would be added and both placed in a shallow cut-and-cover tunnel under the southbound lanes, while the Braintree branch tracks would be placed in a deeper tunnel.

While smoke was seen in hills to the east, the Japanese vessel was anchored and camouflaged with tree branches.

The game begins with him and his friend, Chipple, trying to pluck a special flower, the Hikari Sakura (literally the Light Sakura or Light Cherry-blossom) from a tree branch.

Few structures were impacted in this rural area, though a two-story house built in 1875 sustained major roof damage, and tree branches were embedded into the walls of the house.

The protagonist then stirs the water with a tree branch, the woman drinks again and this time it is sweet.

While active, the lemurs have been observed to leap frequently through the tree branches.

For instance, as evidence against the idea that the Earth is in motion, some people objected that birds did not get thrown off into the sky whenever they let go of a tree branch.

An orangutan will break off a tree branch that is about a foot long, snap off the twigs and fray one end with its teeth.

As well as being used as tools, tree branches are a means of transportation for the Sumatran orangutan.

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