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वृक्ष मेंढक Meaning in English

वृक्ष मेंढक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tree frog

वृक्ष-मेंढक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""Image:Red-eyed Tree Frog - Litoria chloris edit1.jpg| लाल-अक्षी वृक्ष मेंढक

Image:Red-eyed Tree Frog - Litoria chloris edit1.jpg| लाल-अक्षी वृक्ष मेंढक

यहां कई जानवर रहते हैं जिनमे शामिल हैं जगुआर, तेंदुआ और लाल आंखों वाले वृक्ष मेंढक. यहां कीड़ों की बहुलता पाई जाती है।

वृक्ष-मेंढक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Guyana cricketers The Mexican burrowing tree frog (Smilisca, also known as the cross-banded tree frog) is a genus of frogs in the family Hylidae found in Mexico, southern Texas and Arizona, Central America, and northwestern South America.

baudinii || common Mexican tree frog.

cyanosticta || blue-spotted Mexican tree frog.

dentata || upland burrowing tree frog.

fodiens || lowland burrowing tree frog.

phaeota || New Granada cross-banded tree frog or masked tree frog.

puma || Nicaragua cross-banded tree frog.

sila || Panama cross-banded tree frog.

sordida || Veragua cross-banded tree frog.

Mexican tree frog, burrowing.

These are small to moderate-sized tree frogs, drably colored.

Logical calculi Tepuihyla, commonly known as Amazon tree frogs or Tepui tree frogs, is a genus of frogs in the family Hylidae found in mountains of eastern and south-eastern Venezuela and Guyana, and likely in adjacent Brazil.

aecii || Monte Duida tree frog.

वृक्ष मेंढक Meaning in Other Sites