पूर्वाभासी Meaning in English
पूर्वाभासी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : premonition
, foreboding
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पूर्वाभास ढंग सेपूर्वानुमानकर्ता
पूर्वानुमान पेशबंदी
पूर्वाभासी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Pierce manages to create a sense of foreboding that brings audiences up sharply"nbsp;.
Urged to marry against his will, he apparently agreed to wed Eadburh, the daughter of Offa of Mercia, and set out to visit her, despite his mother's forebodings and his experiences of terrifying events (an earthquake, a solar eclipse and a vision).
Much of the area was cleared for redevelopment and a number of other buildings were constructed A large amount of land was relegated to surface parking and, for a time into the late 1970s, the area became a somewhat cold and foreboding place to be with the East 9th Street corridor a limit to downtown's growth.
"Death of Titanic" — This track contains a descending, tumid and foreboding motif that also corresponds to peril and danger.
The song/story of "Searchlight" is evil, mean and foreboding.
The dark, foreboding nature of this project abandons prior interest in politics, and is connected with the witch house scene.
] it has all the foreboding atmosphere and thematic sweep of an epic crime drama.
Gattler (occasionally referred to as Gattler the Rattler) wears a foreboding, fanged space mask.
Master of the World is a "black novel," filled with foreboding and fear of the rise of tyrants such as the novel's villain, Robur, and totalitarianism.
The sentences used had foreboding themes such as "In Adams fall, we sinned all.
Upon hearing of Sher Mohammad's foreboding army, Napier immediately sent for reinforcements to be sent from Ferozepur and Sukkur.
The prophecies noted by the lyrics so profoundly captured the imagination of the people that on July 7, 1977 - the day when sevens fully clashed (seventh day, seventh month, seventy-seventh year) a hush descended on Kingston; many people did not go outdoors, shops closed, an air of foreboding and expectation filled the city.
Commentating for Finnish broadcaster MTV3, former world record holder Toni Nieminen remarked forebodingly after Romøren's jump that "the landing area is now practically completely flat ground.
पूर्वाभासी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
पड़ौसी शब्द खंड के साथ पूर्वाभासी सम्मिलन ।
यह एक महत्वपूर्ण विचार है क्योंकि यह पहचाना जा चुका है कि ट्युमर की मात्रा मेसोथेलियोमा के लिये एक पूर्वाभासी कारक है।
हालांकि, अपने आप में शल्य-चिकित्सा बहुत अधिक प्रभावी नहीं है, लेकिन सहायक कीमोथेरपी व विकिरण के संयोजन में शल्य-चिकित्सा (त्रिपद्धति उपचार) ने अनुकूल पूर्वाभासी कारकों वाले मरीजों में उत्तरजीविता को बहुत अधिक (3-14 वर्षों तक) विस्तारित कर दिया है।
"" इसके अतिरिक्त कई फोनों मेंटी-९ पूर्वानुमान भी होता है जिससे कि पूर्वाभासी इनपुट द्वारा केवल कुछ बटन दबाकर शब्दों को टाइप किया जा सकता है।
अमेरिकन साइकोलॉजिकल एसोसिएशन के अनुसार, उन परिस्थितियों में जहाँ पहले भी दौरे पड़ चुके हैं, पीड़ित व्यक्ति अक्सर दौरों के बीच गंभीर पूर्वाभासी आशंका और सीमित लक्षण वाले दौरों का अनुभव करते हैं।
पूर्वाभासी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It was said that at the 33rd performance of Carmen on 2 June 1875, Galli-Marié had a premonition of Bizet's death while singing the cards scene in Act III, and fainted when she left the stage; the composer in fact died that night and the next performance was cancelled due to her indisposition.
Among its varied tales, One Step Beyond dealt with premonition of death ("The Lincoln Assassination") and disaster ("Tidal Wave", "Night of April 14th"); astral projection ("The Long Call"); the existence of ghosts ("The Last Round", "The Death Waltz"); and wildly improbable coincidence ("Reunion", "Death on the Mountain", etc.
Verhoeven makes the writer's suspicions so entertaining that his dreams and fantasies, which might just be premonitions, have a visual and psychological force that is actually stronger than the 'reality' of the other characters.
Thanks to a premonition by Gemini, he hacks into a satellite owned by S.
Nakoruru, though glad that there is serenity, experiences several premonitions of devastation and is haunted by the thought of further bloodshed.
Milk's premonition of his death is shown in the aria “If a Bullet Should Enter My Brain.
) Sometimes he kills the people he has predicted to die, usually only in self-defense, although he tends to provoke some with his premonitions.
He then confesses to her that he has had a premonition about an imminent threat and that one of the Titans will betray the team.
The legend that Martin fell dead from his horse exactly at noon after having a premonition for the previous three nights that his deceased mother had appeared to him in a dream telling him that on the third day following her first appearance to him, he would be "called home" at noon is recounted in Tilghman's History of Talbot Co.
Fellow-travellers were five counts, Louis von Wartburg, Gunther von Kefernberg, Meinrad von Mühlberg, Heinrich von Stolberg, and Burkhard von Brandenberg; Louis left his pregnant wife behind, who had a premonition that they would never meet again.
The mage who killed the werewolf, Bardolin, a pupil of Golophin, has premonitions of a powerful force awaiting them in the west.
The album is noted for featuring an eerie premonition of what would happen in the 2001 9/11 attacks in the cover art.