फोरडेक Meaning in English
फोरडेक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fordeck
, foredeck
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फोरडेक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The howitzer began to accurately target the Hardinge hitting the ship's aerial, forward and aft funnels, the fore stokehold, the foredeck gun and steering gear forcing the ship to move out of range to anchor in Lake Timsah.
Siddons used a set of early International 14 molds that he had acquired to create the Jet 14 hull shape, with a partial foredeck added.
The upgrade involved stripping all the weaponry and missile launcher tubes from the ship's foredeck to make way for a "short take-off but arrested recovery" (STOBAR) configuration, converting the Gorshkov from a hybrid carrier/cruiser to a pure carrier.
Also, like the Italian and other Italian-built warships of the era they carried their floatplanes under the foredeck and launched them from a fixed catapult over the bows.
The class rules were amended to allow spinnakers in 1971 and many boats have cutouts in the foredeck for spinnaker stowage, either a single cutout near the bow of one on each side of the mast.
Due to the favourable underwater hull shape, specially adjusted rudder (Lürssen effect) and an improved foredeck structure, the boats were very seaworthy.
Forward of the tower the foredeck is intact with the gun layers hatch clearly visible.
फोरडेक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" ये विकसित योजनाएं शॉर्ट टेक-ऑफ बट एसिस्टेड रिकवरी (एसटीओबीएआर (STOBAR)) विन्यास का रास्ता बनाने के लिए जहाज के फोरडेक से सभी हथियारों और मिसाइल लॉन्चर ट्यूबों को अनावृत करने से जुड़ी हैं।