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पार्श्व रेखा Meaning in English

पार्श्व रेखा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lateral line

पार्श्व-रेखा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""परिधियाँ:- केन्द्रीय लेन तथा बाहरी सीमा निश्चित करने वाली दोनों आयताकारों की रेखाओं से 7.85 मी॰ दूर दोनों पार्श्व रेखाओं को परिधियाँ कहते हैं।

इसमें गिल्स के आलावा सहायक श्वसन अंग भी होता है और इसकी पार्श्व रेखा खंडित होती है।

सी. औरेट्स पार्श्व रेखा के इर्द गिर्द 31 से भी कम स्केलें होती हैं जबकि कृसियन कार्प में 33 स्केलों से भी अधिक स्केलें होती है।

परिधियाँ:- केन्द्रीय लेन तथा बाहरी सीमा निश्चित करने वाली दोनों आयताकारों की रेखाओं से 7.85 मी॰ दूर दोनों पार्श्व रेखाओं को परिधियाँ कहते हैं।

पार्श्व-रेखा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It has a light-colored lateral line down the sides and on the fins' edges, and darker colored spots on the sides.

The branch of Nassau-Siegen was a collateral line of the House of Nassau, and ruled in Siegen.

The lateral line is uninterrupted and the gill rakers number 20"ndash;25.

It usually has two anal spines and the lateral line extends to the tip of the caudal fin.

They lack true ears, but have lateral lines running down the length of their bodies and undersides; this is how they can sense movements and vibration in the water.

They use their sensitive fingers, sense of smell, and lateral line system to find food.

It is distinguishable from similar species by its deep body, fin colouration and a host of more detailed anatomical features, including fin ray and lateral line scale counts.

These were lateral lines tapping coal mines east of the Susquehanna, and the extension afforded them a direct outlet by rail rather than by canal boat.

Gafftopsail catfish are good eating; the red lateral line should be removed to prevent “muddy taste”; however in gafftopsails taken from southern Florida mangrove estuaries, this is seemingly unnecessary.

Doradids are easily recognized by a well-developed nuchal shield in front of the dorsal fin, as well as well-developed bony lumps along the lateral line that form thorny scutes.

The pectoral fins tend to be high, and there is no lateral line.

The species within this family do not have a lateral line.

The lateral line is well-developed and extends onto the caudal filament.

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