पार्श्विका लोब Meaning in English
पार्श्विका लोब शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lateral lobe
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पार्श्विक अधिस्थूलक प्रदाहपार्श्व स्वामी
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पार्श्विका पेरीकार्डियम
पार्श्व पेरिकार्डियम
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पार्श्व वेंट्रिकल
पार्श्व आवाज
पार्श्विका-लोब इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Each semicell is further divided into a polar lobe and two lateral lobes.
The lower leaves are broad with two or three lateral lobes.
These stems carry only a few leaves, similar to the basal leaves, but up to 30"nbsp;cm long, with up to four lateral lobes.
Leaves are fleshy, hairy, 4–9"nbsp;cm long and 2–5"nbsp;cm wide, serrate or irregularly toothed, normally with pairs of lateral lobes, and dark green above and lighter green below.