परिवहन मार्ग Meaning in English
परिवहन मार्ग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : transport route
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परिवहन सचिवपरिवहन प्रणाली
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परिवहन-मार्ग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
मरूस्थलीय इलाकों में मरूद्यानों का हमेशा से व्यापार तथा परिवहन मार्गों के लिए विशेष महत्व का रहा है।
"" फिर भी, यह पोतचालकों के लिये विशेष सहायक है, क्योंकि दीवार के भीतर की जलधारा इस बृहत शैलभित्ति (reef) द्वारा सुरक्षित रहकर तटगामी पोतों के लिये अति मूल्यवान् परिवहन मार्ग बनाती है तथा पोत इसमें से गुजरने पर खुले समुद्री तूफानों से बचे रहते हैं।
परिवहन-मार्ग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
As Scotland is made up of several hundred islands, water has always been an important transport route for passengers and freight, particularly in the remote communities of the Hebrides.
Rivers and lakes are used as a water supply, transport routes and for waterlogging.
There are plans to include flexible transport routes as part of the Metro Reimagined bus overhaul to service routes which were recently eliminated, with Director Mefford-Miller predicting implementation in late 2020 to 2021.
The A17 (Portrush Road - Hampstead Road) and the A16 (Grand Junction Road) constitute the major heavy road transport route through suburban Adelaide from Port Adelaide and anywhere north of Adelaide to the South East of South Australia and the adjacent state of Victoria.
The Gambia River flows throughout the country and is the principal source of water and a transport route.
Silver Line (MBTA), a Massachusetts public transport route.
Silver Line (Washington Metro), a planned public transport route.
In 1982, landlocked Zimbabwe directly intervened in the civil war in order to secure its vital transport routes in Mozambique, stop cross-border RENAMO raids, and help its old ally FRELIMO.
Chiswick Bridge is a major transport route, and the eighth busiest of London's 20 Thames road bridges.
In 1943, the Japanese began several projects to create efficient troop and equipment transport routes between Thailand and Myanmar in support of their planned attacks on Imphal and Kohima.
In response to the growing importance of German maritime transport routes through Norwegian waters, the Royal Air Force's Coastal Command transferred seven squadrons of anti-shipping aircraft from bases in eastern England to northern Scotland during September and October 1944.
The areas controlled by some pro-British chiefs provided easy transport routes for British supplies.
The main road (formerly the A438) from Ledbury through Tewkesbury before meeting the old A46 at Toddington used to be one of the main transport routes East West from the Marches.
The difficulties of the harbour and expensive ship repairs encouraged the development of an alternative transport route and by 1910 most Okiep ore was being carried by truck to the railhead at Bitterfontein in preference to shipments direct from the port.