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पदानुक्रमित संरचना Meaning in English

पदानुक्रमित संरचना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hierarchical structure

पदानुक्रमित-संरचना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""सिस्टम की कठोर और पदानुक्रमित संरचना की आलोचना रचनात्मकता और नवीनता का दम घोंटने के लिए की गई है।

पदानुक्रमित-संरचना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The crux of this theory is that hierarchical structure in natural language maps universally onto a particular surface linearization, namely specifier-head-complement branching order.

A weak version of the theory of antisymmetry (Dynamic antisymmetry) has been proposed by Andrea Moro, which allows the generation of non-LCA compatible structures (points of symmetry) before the hierarchical structure is linearized at Phonetic Form.

The starting point for Fotopoulos' work is that the world faces a multi-dimensional crisis (economic, ecological, social, cultural and political) which is caused by the concentration of power in elites, as a result of the market economy, representative democracy and related forms of hierarchical structure.

Networked cells can share precise information on a need-to-know basis without a hierarchical structure.

Arquilla has promoted the idea of adapting militaries from a hierarchical structure to a network structure, suggesting that a network military will be the most able to defeat terrorist networks.

This type of style is particularly useful in organizations with hierarchical structures where management makes all of the decisions based on positioning in the hierarchy.

Hence, kkachi horangi paintings of magpies and tigers were a satire of the hierarchical structure of Joseon's feudal society.

When PointCast first started Yahoo offered little more than a hierarchical structure on the internet (broken down by subject much like DMOZ) but was soon to introduce the portal which was customizable and offered a much more convenient way to read the news.

Founded in 1961, the IGC is organised in small independent research groups that work in an environment designed to encourage interactions with minimal hierarchical structure.

Founded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) in 1961, and still supported by the Foundation, the IGC is organised in small independent research groups that work in an environment designed to encourage interactions with minimal hierarchical structure.

However it is considered a nominal hierarchical structure because the Party controls each level over and above the jurisdiction of the ACWF.

’s SCLC executive secretary, she was exposed to the hierarchical structure of the organization.

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