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पदक्रमानुसार Meaning in English

पदक्रमानुसार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hierarchically

पदक्रमानुसार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" Weyer's source claimed that Hell arranged itself hierarchically in an infernal court which is divided into princes, ministries and ambassadors.

1974, "Downward causation in hierarchically organised biological systems".

Boniface teaches that there is only one Kingdom, the Church (here meaning the Catholic Church), and that the Church controls the spiritual sword, while the temporal sword is controlled by the State, although the temporal sword is hierarchically lower than the spiritual sword (the flesh matters less than the soul; cf.

1991 establishments in England In artificial intelligence, hierarchical task network (HTN) planning is an approach to automated planning in which the dependency among actions can be given in the form of hierarchically structured networks.

The Ansar were hierarchically organized under the control of Muhammad Ahmad's successors, who have all been members of the Mahdi family (known as the ashraf).

The institution was centrally and hierarchically organised with a management board, consisting of one person of each member state as well as two members of the commission.

It is hierarchically structured in four levels.

The country was split into nesting, hierarchically organised administrative subdivisions, and run uniformly according to a set "native policy" (politique indigène).

They were hierarchically structured with Bishop Joseph Dupont firmly in charge , something that appealed to the Bemba overlords.

Both represent Judith as a strong figure, though Sirani's hierarchically reaches the top of the picture plane.

The small group of Spaniards realized immediately that the mainland had indigenous populations that were far denser and hierarchically organized societies.

" (Larson " Buss, 2008) Maslow believed that needs were hierarchically organized, with more basic needs found toward the bottom of the hierarchy and the self-actualization need at the top.

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