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नजराना Meaning in English

नजराना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : look
, gift

नजराना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

His father's service to Rome, on a notoriously difficult frontier, was honoured with the gift of Roman citizenship for him and his family.

The DAC was built in 1974 as the Physical Education and Athletic Center (PEAC) and was renamed in 2001 after a gift from former Drexel Lacrosse player John A.

The goal of a white elephant gift exchange is to entertain party-goers rather than to gain a genuinely valuable or highly sought-after item.

He left France in 1202, along with a gift of 1,000 marks from his uncle, King John of England.

Google's stated goal with the project was to make the feature more inclusive by collecting facial data from people with dark skin, and those participating in the research were given a '5 gift certificate.

We know it by way of the phenomenology of the gift, the present offered in anxiety.

What's best for the brightest? - an article on the debate about gifted education, where Mara Sapon-Shevin is quoted.

Who's a clever kid, then? - another article on gifted education, citing her.

The land on which the park stands was a gift to Newport from Godfrey Morgan, 1st Viscount Tredegar in 1891 to provide a public park for its citizens.

Tomica Dandy castings have also been used in gift sets and the Limited S Series, but these models have the "Dandy" name on their base plates removed.

These are typically small, memorable tokens, but have included such gifts as a decoupage "Last Supper" featuring Chris "Jesus" Ferguson (the late Don Perry's gift in 2005, the year he won) and an iPad (JK Scheinberg's gift in 2010).

As such, none of the available women in the resort want anything to do with Larry, though it is possible to change their minds with the right gifts.

In response to the gift, the university renamed a large meeting room in the tower building to the Lee Hage Jamail Academic Room.

A comparison with Carlo Sellitto shows how well the more gifted of Caravaggio's followers absorbed not only the superficial tricks of style but the underlying ethos as well, to the point of becoming virtually indistinguishable from the work of the master.

नजराना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

एज्टेक लोगों के अधीन हो जाने के बाद टोटोनैक लोगों ने एज्टेक की राजधानी टेनोक्टाइट्लैन (Tenochtitlan) वैनिला की फलियां भेजकर नजराना पेश किया।

2. सलामी- यह एक प्रकार का नजराना था।

पेशावर का प्रशासक यार मोहम्मद महाराजा रणजीत सिंह को नजराना देना कबूल कर चुका था।

सिर्फ एक साल में क्लाइव ने 11 लाख 70 हजार डॉलर की रिश्वत ली और 1 लाख 40 हजार डॉलर सालाना नजराना लेना शुरू किया।

2008 में आई 'अ वेडनेसडे' ने नसीर की कमाल की अदाकारी का एक और नजराना पेश किया तो 'इश्किया', 'राजनीति', 'सात खून माफ' और 'डर्टी पिक्चर' जैसी फ़िल्मों के जरिए नसीरुद्दीन ने बार-बार ये साबित किया कि एक सच्चे कलाकार को उम्र बांध नहीं सकती।

बंगाल के नवाब से नजराना, भेंट, क्षतिपूर्ति के रूप मे भारी धन वसूली।

"" राजा को स्वेच्छा से भाग या नजराना दिया जाता था।

गढ़वाल के राजा ने गोरखों को पच्चीस सौ रुपये वार्षिक कर के रूप में देना शुरू किया, लेकिन इतना नजराना पाने के बावजूद भी 1803 में गोरखों ने गढ़वाली सेना से युद्ध छेड़ दिया।

निर्माता-निर्देशक के तौर पर नेपाली ने तीन फीचर फिल्मों-नजराना, सनसनी और खुशबू का निर्माण भी किया था।

जागीदार ही अपने-अपने क्षेत्र में हासल(कर)इकठ्ठी करके उनमें से थोड़ा सा हिस्सा जोधपुर का नजराना के रूप में पेश कर देते थे।

""पेशावर का प्रशासक यार मोहम्मद महाराजा रणजीत सिंह को नजराना देना कबूल कर चुका था।

वह तिरहुत राजा से नजराना वसूला करता था।

अशोक चक्र सम्मानित लोग राजस्थान का सिनेमा ऐतिहासिक रूप से गौरव पूर्ण रहा है प्रथम राजस्थानी फिल्म नजराना १९४२ में प्रदर्शित हुई।

नजराना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

"The Persians opposed us serried bands of mail-clad horsemen in such close order that the gleam of moving bodies covered with closely fitting plates of iron dazzled the eyes of those who looked upon them, while the whole throng of horses was protected by coverings of leather.

He believes that the current technological landscape would look very different in the absence of military and defense-related contributions to commercial technology development.

Thereafter, Chávez looked at Torrijos as a model leader.

On retirement, he started a Personal Training business specialising in weight loss and fitness, and has been used as an example for young players to look for a career beyond their playing days.

In the caverns below Duckburg, Scrooge and his nephews soon discover that the smooth "rocks" are really subterranean beings calling themselves Terries and Fermies who look like bowling balls with arms and a head, but no legs, and move around by rolling on the ground.

The site is looked after by Historic Environment Scotland as a scheduled monument and is open to the public with an entrance charge.

Known as the "Emerald of the East" due to its location east of the Andes mountains, Macas lies in the Upano Valley overlooking the Upano river.

Another example of platform integrity via TPM is in the use of Microsoft Office 365 licensing and Outlook Exchange.

He looks similar to comic strip author, Jorge Cham and is modelled after him (at one point, his younger sister Dee remarks that her brother has dreams of quitting grad school and becoming a cartoonist).

Dean Terrace and Ann Street today overlook the valley and Well.

A heritage shop and café overlooking its grand courtyard opened in 2017.

Of uncertain origin, this structure may have been a private observation tower dating from either the Almohad or Saadian dynasty, used for the enjoyment of the sultan and similar to smaller elevated lookouts present in some aristocratic mansions in Marrakesh and Fes.

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