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एक्का Meaning in English

एक्का शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : ace
, gig

एक्का इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Amanda then finds Harold at the bar where they first met, drunk and surrounded by giggling women.

Andrew Earles, in Gimme Indie Rock: 500 Essential American Underground Rock Albums 1981-1996, wrote that "Chavez's second album in a gigantic wall of all-encompassing guitar wizardry (riffs, leads, and everything else) constructed over a massive rhythm section and majestic vocals.

His win over Kerr was considered to be a gigantic upset, and was the first loss in Kerr's career, snapping a 13-fight unbeaten streak.

11 O'Clock Tick Tock's performance history at U2gigs.

Playing several gigs including a concert in Rome in front of the Roman Colosseum for FAO and recording the Tanguru album for Intuition.

He also had a band called The Bath Bankers and arranged for a gig at the University featuring his friends from Sheffield - Pulp.

The production of Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface manga was done digitally, which was difficult for Shirow because of troubles including a hard disk failure which resulted in the loss of 16 gigabytes of data, USB hardware troubles and reading manuals related to new application upgrades.

Kurt and I had asked him for a shot of a gigantic hand bigger than the star it was reaching for -- and, boy, did he deliver!.

Not one to be deterred, Vinnie continues and lands a part-time gig as a stripper.

According to scenario writer Kei Shigema, the game's concept of an oppressive god came from the image of Sun Wukong, hero of the Chinese epic Journey to the West, being unable to escape from the gigantic palm of the Buddha.

Other weapons include gigantic robot guards, a stun beam, and stasis beams.

Connolly chats with Whiteley's ex-wife, Wendy Whiteley, about how her then husband bet him '100 to do two consecutive gigs without repeating a joke, which he successfully accomplished.

एक्का हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उपन्यासकार विनोद कुमार के अनुसार, ‘आदिवासी समाज में गद्यात्मक लेखन के प्रति वैसा रुझान नहीं है, पर साठ के दशक में ही एलिस एक्का सधी हुई कहानियां लिख रही थीं।

| 1988 || दूरदर्शन || परमवीर चक्र (धारावाहिक) ||लांस नायक अलबर्ट एक्का ||।

२०१४ में निधन एनोस एक्का झारखण्ड से भारतीय राजनेता हैं और झारखण्ड विधानसभा में विधायक हैं।

एलिस एक्का की प्राईमरी से मैट्रिक तक की पढ़ाई संत मार्ग्रेट स्कूल, बहु बाजार, रांची में हुई।

हिंदी में लिखित पीटर पौल एक्का का बहुचर्चित उपन्यास ‘जंगल के गीत’ हो या डॉ. रोज केरकेट्टा के ‘पगहा जोरी-जोरी रे घाटो’ कथा-संग्रह की कहानियां, हिंदी में गैर-आदिवासियों द्वारा किए गए लेखन से बिलकुल अलग हैं।

अलबर्ट एक्का का जन्म 27 दिसम्बर, 1942 को झारखंड के गुमला जिला के जारी ब्लाक के जारी गांव में हुआ था।

:रक्षापंक्ति : दीप ग्रेस एक्का, जॉयदीप कौर, किरनदीप कौर, सुनीता लाकड़ा, दीपिका, नमिता टोप्पो, पी. सुशीला चानू, एम.एन. पोनम्मा।

अलबर्ट एक्का - अन्नू कपूर।

भारतीय बहुभाषाविद दीप ग्रेस एक्का (Deep Grace Ekka) (जन्म ०३ जून १९९४) एक भारतीय उड़ीसा की महिला हॉकी खिलाड़ी है।

णावँहिं सण्ण-असण्ण-पआरा पुणु परमत्थें एक्काआरा ।

शराब लांस नायक अलबर्ट एक्का (27 दिसम्बर 1942 - 3 दिसम्बर 1971) एक भारतीय सैनिक थे जो भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्ध 1971 में हिली की लड़ाई में वीरगति को प्राप्त हो गए थे।

""१९७१ 'ndash; लांस नायक अलबर्ट एक्का, परमवीर चक्र सम्मानित भारतीय सैनिक।

उनके पिता का नाम जूलियस एक्का, माँ का नाम मरियम एक्का और पत्नी का नाम बलमदीन एक्का था।

एक्का इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Retailers' cooperatives in the United States The Clibanarii or Klibanophoroi (κλιβανοφόροι, meaning "camp oven-bearers" from the Greek word κλίβανος meaning "camp oven" or "metallic furnace"), in Persian Grivpanvar, were a Sasanian Persian, late Roman and Byzantine military unit of armored [cavalry].

Murder in Space (1985) as Vice President.

Some literary works mention the name of Bhattu-Murti in place of Ramarajabhushanudu and some accounts mention Pingali Surana and Tenali Ramakrishna also as members of the later emperors.

So, to overcome the depression that Rama faced, his mother Lakshamma took him to Vijayanagara where he was an advisor and was also a great scholar of several languages that included Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil.

The space industries.

A particular strength is its activity against Enterobacteriaceae.

Whereas other cephalosporins are degraded by many plasmid- and chromosome-mediated beta-lactamases, cefepime is stable and is a front-line agent when infection with Enterobacteriaceae is known or suspected.

The House of Guttenberg, a prominent Franconian noble family, traces its origins back to 1149 with a Gundeloh v.

The Plassenburg was later rebuilt by the architect Caspar Vischer as an impressive stronghold and as a huge palace.

This solitary bee normally gathers pollen from plants in the family Ericaceae, with manzanita, Arctostaphylos sp.

Chávez and his siblings were urged by his parents to embrace education as a way of escaping their rural surroundings and attain better lives in the more prosperous cities.

As a so-called provinciano ("provincial person", that is, an implication of backwardness regarding the social graces of urban life), Chávez was prima facie regarded by his peers as both polite and shy.

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