धीरे धीरे समाप्त हो जाना Meaning in English
धीरे धीरे समाप्त हो जाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slowly disappear
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
धीरे धीरे नीचे कि अओर गिरनाधीरे धीरे बढ़ता हुआ
धीरे धीरे गति बढाना
धीरे धीरे पसन्द आना
धीरे से या खुशी में हिनहिनाना
धीरे धीरे कम करना
धीरे धीरे निकालना
धीरे धीरे भेजना
धीमे धीमे चहल कदमी करने वाला
धीरे धीरे बोलने वाला
आलसी आदमी
धीरे-धीरे-समाप्त-हो-जाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
From 1959 on, the dominance of Spirou and Tintin slowly disappeared.
As the supply of silver threepence coins slowly disappeared, Royal Mint sixpences replaced them as the coins traditionally put into Christmas puddings.
With the advent of DVDs, satellite television channels, and many of its society organizers got active in film making, the Chennai film society slowly disappeared.
With each rehearsal, Forrest noticed her harem dance costume slowly disappearing, until it was barely compliant with the Motion Picture Production Code.
The old cider apple orchards are slowly disappearing, accelerated by the closure of the Cider Mill in the 1950s and the unrealistic price offered by modern apple juice and cider factories.
The sand slowly disappeared when the breakwater quays were built on the west side of the bay in 1937.
Ensign Hoshi Sato passes through the transporter and finds that she is slowly disappearing.
Sremac's short stories reveal his love for the slowly disappearing "old way" of life.
The new town of Ridgway was founded a year later in 1890 and became the prominent town as Dallas slowly disappeared.
In the process, many small crystals formed initially slowly disappear, except for a few that grow larger, at the expense of the small crystals.
Galaxity and its population are slowly disappearing into the mists of time.
The remaining portions of Cornell are still non-agricultural grasslands, but it will slowly disappear with further development.
As is true with many glaciers around the world, Gannett Glacier is slowly disappearing.