अवमल Meaning in English
अवमल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sludge
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अवमल हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" अवमल के उपचार के लिए, आम तौर पर SHE ताप विनिमायकों के अन्य प्रकारों से छोटे हैं।
सबसे सरल संरचना का पैराफिन मेथेन है, जो कोयले की खान के कोयला-गैस, दलदल से निकली गैस तथा मलजल के अवमलों से निकले अवपंक (sludge) में पाया जाता है।
अवमल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
There is a HRM Water Pollution Control Plant (secondary sludge activation), constructed in 1987, that discharges effluent into a stream outflowing at the north end of the lake.
In 1971 the lake was dried, the sludge was dredged and removed, the filters were placed and the lake was refilled in 1976, but in the next decades, the lake got polluted again.
During the emptying and refilling of the lake in the 1970s, artificial island made of the dried sludge were formed.
Landslip of sewage sludge engulfed a sewage works at Huddersfield in 1992.
But Shreve avoids sentimental sludge with the masterly voice of Daniel, the anxious boy historian who tries to keep order in his fractured life by soberly documenting it, zany detail by zany detail.
The eschewing of sludgecore elements, and increased focus on atmospherics and post-rock elements whilst still retaining metal and [punk|hardcore] elements led to the album being labelled by many as post-metal, and essentially as being the genre's progenitor.
On 9 December 2011, Thames Water was fined £60,000 after releasing sewage sludge into the Foudry Brook killing up to 20,000 fish in a three-mile stretch from Silchester, Hampshire.
Pickling sludge is the waste product from pickling, and includes acidic rinse waters, iron chlorides, and metallic salts and waste acid.
Pickle sludge from steel processes is usually neutralized with Iratxoak (sing.
In 1891, sedimentation tanks were added to the works, and the sludge was carried by steam boats and dumped further out into the estuary, at sea.
The byproduct of reprocessing is a highly radioactive sludge residue.
In 1991, as part of the Eco-Warriors line, Flint's body was molded from color changing plastic, which would change to show sludge damage when hit with cold water.
For sludges and slurries: having a clear unobstructed flow path direct from in to out.