देख भाल करना Meaning in English
देख भाल करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : look after
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ध्यन से देखना
पर नज़र पड़ना
गुस्से से देखना
बुरी नज़र से देखना
विस्मय से देखना
यों ही देखना
बड़ी चाह से देखना
देख-भाल-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The first-ever union branch to look after the needs of Welsh anthracite miners was started in the public bar in 1891.
We have not been introduced to his father, yet he does often look after Billy.
Farrell has invested him with full power to look after business details in future.
Only Robertson would remain in Liverpool to look after the business.
Before he left, he asked Catherine to look after £100.
The dying man (Anthony) asks him to look after his wife Jane.
In "Revelations, Part 2", Scarlett learns that Snake Eyes had briefly met her father, and promised him to look after his daughter.
In June 1225, Honorius III issued the bull Vineae Domini custodes that permitted two friars of the Dominican Order named Dominic and Martin to establish a mission in Morocco and look after the affairs of Christians there.
Innocent IV asked emirs of Tunis, Ceuta and Bugia to permit Lope and Franciscian friars to look after the Christians in those regions.
By the time he was five, he had already lost his father, and his mother, who was ill, found it quite hard to look after her three children.
The Jubilee Walkway Trust was set up in 1978 to look after the trail, in collaboration with local authorities.
Worf soon discovers K'Ehleyr, dying, just in time for her to reveal that Duras is her killer; then she has Worf promise to look after Alexander.
Jones is frequently the sufferer of mishaps brought about by Art's inability to deal with the real world, yet appears to need to look after him despite Art's many faults.