आंख गड़ा कर देखना Meaning in English
आंख गड़ा कर देखना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : look at
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आंखें गाड़कर देखनादेखो
ध्यन से देखना
पर नज़र पड़ना
गुस्से से देखना
बुरी नज़र से देखना
विस्मय से देखना
यों ही देखना
बड़ी चाह से देखना
आसक्त नज़र देखना
दुश्मनी से देखना
आँखें तरेर कर देखना
घृणा से देखना
दूर देखो
पीछे मुड़कर देखना
आंख-गड़ा-कर-देखना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The station did look at obtaining an ABC affiliation, but the station needed to serve 1,500 more households to make the arrangement worthwhile.
One is to look at the soul from the perspective of the soul itself.
With archive film clips and interviews, this brief look at a frequently overlooked historical period of filmmaking acts as an introduction rather than a complete record.
The tale takes a brief look at the loss of freedom inside a cruel world, a subject that dominates Sartre's literary career.
The website's critical consensus states, "War Photographer offers a breathtakingly intimate look at life on the front lines by distilling the horror and terrible beauty captured while paying testament to war's awful cost".
The viewer is given a better look at the left breast due to her positioning and thus can identify more problematic aspects that might not appear in the right breast.
Michael dedicated Older to both Feleppa "who changed the way I look at my life" and Jobim "who changed the way I listened to music.
His television work also included White Tribe (2000), a look at modern Britain and its loss of "Englishness"; Slave Nation (2001); Who You Callin' a Nigger? (2004); and Is This My Country? (2006), a search for his West Indian identity.
In 1982, Howe began his broadcasting career on Channel 4's television series Black on Black, was subsequently co-editor with Tariq Ali of Bandung File (1985–91) and later White Tribe, a look at modern-day Britain and its loss of "Englishness".
An architecturally pleasing building, such as Tower Bridge, creates an aesthetic non-excludable good, which can be enjoyed by anyone who happens to look at it.
Then followed The Nuptial Flight (Garzanti, Milan, 1992), where he took a closer look at pre-adolescent and adolescent crushes on film stars, and then at the general feminine tendency to seek out superior love objects.
Example, the looting of the property late chief Sabasio Okumu in Loa, the killing of a Madi man called Kayo Mojadia in Loa, the looting of the villages in Moli, made the Madi people to look at SPLA as an enemy and not as a liberation army.