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देख भाल Meaning in English

देख भाल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : watch

देख-भाल हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उन्होंने कहा 'मैं अपनी देख भाल भी नहीं कर रहा था, कई बार मैं सब छोड़ देना चाहता था '. उन्होंने यह टिपन्नी करते हुए कि रैप ही मेरी दवा है, यह भी पुष्टि की कि अब वह शांत हैं तो मुझे अन्य बातों का भी सहारा लेना है ताकि मुझे ऐसा महसूस हो सके।

इस बातचीत में यह सुना जा सकता है कि वह अमेलिया को उसके बेटे की शादी में जाने की अनुमति दे रहा है ताकि सूज़न की बहन उसके जुड़वां बच्चे देख सके. अगली सुबह दूसरे फोन काल तक वे नहीं जानते हैं कि सूज़न की बहन उनकी देख भाल नहीं कर सकती और इसलिए अमेलिया बच्चों को अपने साथ लेन के लिए मजबूर हो गई।

मनुष्य को बहुत देख भालकर चलना आवश्यक है जिससे वह अपनी बुद्धि और वृत्ति को बुराई से बचा सके और क्या कार्य है, क्या अकार्य है, इसको पहचान सके।

कैरी ऐनी की भाई, रयान जैकबसन (माक्सतीरिओट् ), इस घट्ना की समय् पर, कही दूर, अपनी बीमार चाची की देख भाल कर् रहा।

देख-भाल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The song is a ballad about a young female admirer of a single man who stands by and watches as the object of her desires goes through years of dating, before he finally unexpectedly decides to initiate a relationship with the singer.

Four gilt-bronze statues of Fames watch over the bridge, supported on massive masonry socles, that provide stabilizing counterweight for the arch, without interfering with monumental views.

However, since then the club has failed to repeat its past success and has watched as its bitter city rival, Maccabi Tel Aviv, beat them constantly in the race to trophies and European glory.

Someone is watching!" and "Women in grad school.

In 1600 a notable disorder, caused by some drunken members of a group known as the Damned Crew attacking the watch after they were challenged, began after they were ejected from the Mermaid Tavern.

As he watched the electric discharges strike the ground, he imagined the dancing limbs of a powerful creature, one that could be harnessed in the service of the public.

Keith, who does not work and spends his time watching documentaries on television, has his incapacity benefits stopped when Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) catches him on CCTV, moving heavy boxes and reports him for benefit fraud.

When lesions are small, they can be carefully watched on an annual basis.

In the United States, the term is frequently used to refer to a non-freestanding cabinet or tray for holding small personal items such as watches, cuff links, keys, or a cell phone.

The game progresses in a linear manner: watch cut-scene events, complete missions, set up their wanzers during intermissions, and sortie for the next mission.

On December 3, 1991 – At Tuesday in Texas, Tunney watched the Hulk Hogan-Undertaker heavyweight title match from ringside to ensure a "fair match" with no outside interference.

Toward the end of the match, Ric Flair came down and got into an argument with Tunney who was watching the match from ringside.

Foodwatch claims that Danone "makes a mountain out of a molehill" in suggesting that Actimel protects from cold and boosts health.

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