घड़ी बाहर Meaning in English
घड़ी बाहर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : watch out
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घड़ी का डिब्बा
दर्शकों को देखना
घड़ी-बाहर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Landing pilots should also watch out for bird and jackrabbit activity.
While in the depths of the forest, he dismounts and walks along with the carriage, telling his parents that he has to watch out for robbers, which are common in the area.
It was just Zak they had to watch out for.
Having to watch out for assassins, sharks and the bends.
The band were voted one of Melody Maker's top ten new bands to watch out for in 2000 and toured with JJ72, Gay Dad, Powderfinger and My Vitriol amongst others during their time together.
Jesus tells his disciples to be careful and to "watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.
d6, White must watch out for .
Some items that add score points include stars, bottles, bags, dragonflies, and cows, but two other items to watch out for are the yashichi, which is a 1up and the cattle skull, which reduces Billy's power.
O! You better watch out!.
Lynette tells Gabrielle she knows about the affair and to watch out.
A doppelgänger of Maddy later appears to Dale Cooper in the Black Lodge, warning him to "watch out for my cousin".
A member of the school newspaper club, he spent the previous summer keeping a watch out for UFOs near a local military base with the club's chairman for company.
Justin arrives and shouts to Ali to watch out for Macki and the brick.