थाइराइड ग्रंथि Meaning in English
थाइराइड ग्रंथि शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : thyroid gland
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थाइराइड-ग्रंथि हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अवतु ग्रंथि (थाइराइड ग्रंथि) का कार्य।
वैसे मिक्सोडीमा दो प्रकार का होता है: प्रथम प्रकार थाइरॉइड रस की कमी का कारण थाइरॉइड ग्रंथि का रोग होता है, जिससे यह ग्रंथि रस बनाने की अपनी सामान्य क्रिया नहीं कर पाती है तथा दूसरे प्रकार में शल्य क्रिया से जब थाइराइड ग्रंथि काट दी गई हो तब रस की कमी या रस की अनुपस्थिति हो जाती है।
""अवतु ग्रंथि (थाइराइड ग्रंथि) का कार्य।
थाइराइड-ग्रंथि इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid gland.
() Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands.
*() Diagnostic procedures on thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Less commonly, FL presents as extra-nodal masses in the skin, thyroid gland, salivary gland, breast, testicles.
plan Thyroid disease is a medical condition that affects the function of the thyroid gland.
The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck and produces thyroid hormones that travel through the blood to help regulate many other organs, meaning that it is an endocrine organ.
Structural abnormalities, most commonly a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland).
Levothyroxine is the mainstay of treatment for people with hypothyroidism, while people with hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease can be managed with iodine therapy, antithyroid medication, or surgical removal of the thyroid gland.
Thyroiditis: an inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Goiter: an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Another common form of autoimmune thyroid disease is Hashimoto thyroiditis where the body produces antibodies against different normal components of the thyroid gland, most commonly thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, and the TSH receptor.
There are several hormones that can be measured in the blood to determine how the thyroid gland is functioning.
These include the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and its precursor thyroxine (T4), which are produced by the thyroid gland.
Its primary function is to increase the production of T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland.