टिबेरिया Meaning in English
टिबेरिया शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tiberia
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
तिब्बत बौद्ध भिक्षु
तिब्बती बौद्ध धर्म
तिब्बती मास्टिफ
तिब्बती मैस्टिफ़
तिब्बती टेरियर
टिक करना निशान लगाना
टिबेरिया हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
टिबेरियास की एक अन्य बहु, जिसका नाम एग्रिपिना द एल्डर (ज्येष्ठ एग्रिपिना) था (अगस्तस की पोती और कैलिग्युला की मां) भी 33 ईपू (AD) भुखमरी के कारण मर गयी थी।
""टिबेरियास की एक अन्य बहु, जिसका नाम एग्रिपिना द एल्डर (ज्येष्ठ एग्रिपिना) था (अगस्तस की पोती और कैलिग्युला की मां) भी 33 ईपू (AD) भुखमरी के कारण मर गयी थी।
तब नब्लस से, उसका परिवार उत्तर में टिबेरियास के गर्म शहर में चला गया, जहाँ वे 1948 में इज़राइल राज्य बनने तक बने रहे।
टिबेरिया इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A treasure trove of Celtiberian currency (400-100 BC.
Gallaecian or Gallaic was a Q-Celtic language or group of languages or dialects, closely related to Celtiberian, spoken at the beginning of our era in the north-western quarter of the Iberian Peninsula, more specifically between the west and north Atlantic coasts and an imaginary line running north–south and linking Oviedo and Mérida.
The Turdetani are said to have possessed a written legal code and to have employed Celtiberian mercenaries to carry on their wars against Rome.
They could have been an Iberian tribe, a Celtic one, or a mixed Celtic and Iberian tribe or tribal confederacy (and hence related to the Celtiberians).
They are believed by some to have spoken an Iberian language, by others to have been Celtic language, akin to the Celtiberians, as the northern Oretani were also called Germani and Mantesani.
It has roots going back to pre-Roman times, being developed by the Celtiberians who lived in the modern-day provinces of Ávila, Salamanca, and Zamora.
Added to this were an unknown number of disaffected local Romans, Turdetani, Celtiberians, and Roman and Italian refugees.
There, they suffered their first defeat, not at the hands of a Roman army, but against a Celtiberian coalition.
References The Lusones (Greek: Lousones) were an ancient Celtiberian (Pre-Roman) people of the Iberian Peninsula (the Roman Hispania), who lived in the high Tajuña River valley, northeast of Guadalajara.
They spoke a variety of the Celtiberian language and were a subdivision of the Celtiberians.
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the ancestors of the Celtiberian groups were installed in the Meseta area of the Iberian Peninsula from at least 1000 BC and probably much earlier.