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तत्सम्बन्धित Meaning in English

तत्सम्बन्धित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : related
, for that matter

तत्सम्बन्धित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

But he flees from anything that might involve real human emotion, or for that matter any credible human activity other than looking good.

Emmeline Pankhurst wrote in her autobiography that "this was the beginning of a campaign the like of which was never known in England, or for that matter in any other country"nbsp;.

ICAI lacks jurisdictional powers to punish these or for that matter any firm, as under its current regulations it only has the power to proceed against individual members.

Although the school has no nuclear engineering department — or any engineering department for that matter — chemistry and physics students use it as a resource.

" Yardena Arar from the Los Angeles Daily News said, "This time, the ABC telecast didn't drown in the thank yous -- or, for that matter, boring presentation speeches and production numbers.

And, for that matter, I do not seem to be fully accepted in that world.

"It’s exactly the same with sound recordings…The future of all of the recorded music that we have ever heard — and, for that matter, all of the recorded music that we haven’t heard yet — depends on our ability to maintain these artifacts.

Rivers of Lower Silesian Voivodeship Empress Dowager Yan Ming (匽明) (died in 152), formally Empress Xiaochong (孝崇皇后) was an empress dowager during Han Dynasty -- even though she was never empress and, for that matter, was never married to an emperor.

A functionary was quoted as saying – "Had Karim ensured that we had domestic matches under lights, says knockouts of the Ranji Trophy or for that matter the Irani Cup, we would have had enough balls ready.

In his consumer guide for The Village Voice, Robert Christgau gave the album a B+ and commented that "Prepunk and for that matter prepub, Peter Perrett may well have been an only one and he fits in now only because this is such a tolerant and/or commercially desperate time.

The design of the Amdahl 4745 was such that the control program (NCP) could not tell whether it was operating in an IBM 3745 or in an Amdahl 4745 (or, for that matter, in an IBM 3725 or in an Amdahl 4725).

Next Generation reviewed the 3DO version first as an import, rating it two stars out of five, and stated that "This is without a doubt the most heavily atmospheric and creepy title to date for the 3DO - or for that matter, any home system.

As the Boy Scouts were unknown in Dhaka—for that matter, only four Troops existed down in Calcutta.

तत्सम्बन्धित हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" उन्होंने एक ओर रीति विषयक अचार्यत्व का निर्वाह किया तो दूसरी ओर गांधीवाद, राष्ट्रीयता तथा क्रांतिकारी भावना से प्रभावित होकर तत्सम्बन्धित काव्य रचनायें भी की ।

तत्सम्बन्धित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Disease-related deaths in California.

General-purpose technologies and military and defense-related procurement .

Ruttan, Regents Professor Emeritus in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota, examines the impact of military and defense-related procurement on U.

Based on his reading of the histories of these technologies, Ruttan finds that military and defense-related procurement has been a major source of technology development.

He believes that the current technological landscape would look very different in the absence of military and defense-related contributions to commercial technology development.

He cites nuclear power as an example of a general-purpose technology that would not have developed in the absence of military and defense-related procurement.

Law enforcement sources say the murder was related to a struggle between Wong's gang and the Wo Hop To Triad, which was attempting to unify control over Asian organized crime in Northern California at the time.

ACCD operated a coal gasification process demonstration unit (PDU), which was funded by DoE in the early 1970s, and conducted related research projects.

Both Arnold and Duffy had decades of nuclear-related experience with Westinghouse at Bettis, WANL, and government labs.

Other related Reichsthaler units of account include the Danish rigsdaler courant, worth a Rigsdaler specie, and the Swedish riksdaler riksmynt, worth th a Riksdaler specie.

Despite criticism, Finkbeiner ignored a press question asking if the fines were related to the city's financial woes.

He is clueless in giving Cecilia advice on non-research related topics such as her lovelife and future career and will ask for her help with small tasks, such as changing the font size of footnotes, while claiming it is urgent.

Materials related to MacBeth can be found in the [Books records] at the University of Maryland Libraries.

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