डट कर खाना Meaning in English
डट कर खाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : stand by
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
समर्थन करनानीचे रहो
डट कर मुक़ाबला करना
डटे कहना
डटे रहो
खड़े खड़े पैर चलाना
मुक्त होकर खड़े होना
सामने टिकना
पंक्ति में खड़ा होना
बंदरगाह में स्टैंड
बीच में खड़ा होना
पर खड़े हो जाओ
अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होना
पिछले पैर पर खड़े होना
पिछली टांगों पर खड़ा होना
डट-कर-खाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
At the final round, the two finalists will be gathered in front of the judging stand, which they park up together and stand by their car to be formally addressed by the judges, the driver would return to the starting line to continue with their last sets of tsuiou rounds.
Drake meanwhile summoned a 2-gun section of Lieutenant Charles Peetz' 2nd Missouri Artillery to cross the ford and stand by for action on the road.
Then he tells him that the most important thing is to stand by one's family.
I stand by this book, and am willing to leave it, when I go, as my card.
The AUT can choose to stand by and do nothing, or to be part of a historical movement similar to the anti-apartheid campaign against the white supremacist regime in South Africa.
"Mayor Bertrand says he is proud his town took a stand by refusing to cave in under pressure to call off the reading.
I can't stand by to watch opportunities pass me by simply because the knowledge of my availability wasn't clearly expressed by me .
Technology that supports civic engagement must give all citizens equal access and opportunity, and must be easy to use and easy to understand by all citizens, including those with disabilities of any kind.
They would stand by their own will and would continue the fight to victory, whether others wanted it or not.
Pseudo-Chrysostom: We may also understand by the door of the chamber, the mouth of the body; so that we should not pray to God with loudness of tone, but with silent heart, for three reasons.
The company continued to stand by its claim of a perpetual franchise but as a precaution drew up a new franchise in 1906 to appease the public.
stand by a historical viewpoint that the two species are one and the same, with H.
In February 1688 he told King James "I will stand by Your Majesty against all enemies to the last drop of my blood.