पर खड़े हो जाओ Meaning in English
पर खड़े हो जाओ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : stand on
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होनापिछले पैर पर खड़े होना
पिछली टांगों पर खड़ा होना
पिछले पैरों पर खड़ा होना
चित्र के लिए खडा रहना या बैठना
बर्दाश्त के बाहर होना
स्टैंड ओवर
स्टैंड की समीक्षा
युगों से खड़ी हुई होना
सेकड़ों सालों से खड़ी हुई होना
लम्बे समय से बनी हुई होना
सालों से खड़ी हुई होना
अपने आप को खड़ा करना
ऊपर खड़ा करना
खड़ा कर देना
पर-खड़े-हो-जाओ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Subsequent pieces of the autobiography were published as individual or collected stories, with each chapter able to stand on its own.
At the end of the night, the crowd would start chanting, "On your head! On your head!" He would carefully fold a towel, put it on the floor, stand on his head, and then drink a beer while upside down faster than anyone could drink one standing up.
Every term the students elect representatives from each class to stand on the SRC (Students' Representative Council) which is coordinated and led by the executive of the Students' Leadership Council.
Some of these still stand on the boundary between Vermont and Quebec.
In answer to criticisms that he had "sold himself out as a chef" by acting as a brand ambassador for such products he said, "by working with companies like Knorr it allows me to stand onto a bigger stage and enrich people's lives.
Harthill Primary School — This was the last school building to stand on the original site of the first school in Harthill Main Street.
He could also stand on his head without using his hands to balance himself.
On the intermediate level, they appear to stand on short slender gold-anodized columns, and on the top level, they become round openings with gold railings directly under the deep roof overhang.
The ground currently consists of a covered stand on one side of the pitch, with terracing on the other three.
Twin people from the Philippines A binnacle is a waist-high case or stand on the deck of a ship, generally mounted in front of the [in which navigational instruments are placed for easy and quick reference as well as to protect the delicate instruments.
In this round the 2 remaining players stand on the right and left dots in front of the plasma TVs.
During the Mamankam festival, the Samutiri of Kozhikode used to stand on this raised platform.
The chief of Kozhikode seems to have granted the Koya inexhaustible wealth, and caused him to "stand on his right side".