ट्रेमाटोड Meaning in English
ट्रेमाटोड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trematode
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ट्रेमाटोड हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" इस श्रेणी में विद्धत्र (ट्रेमाटोडा) और अनांत्र (सेस्टोडा---बिना आँतवाले कीड़े) के पराश्रयी होने के कारण, इनका जीवन इतिहास परिवर्तनों से भरा होता है।
खाद्यज ट्रेमाटोड संक्रमण।
खाद्यज ट्रेमाटोड संक्रमण भारत में कोई समस्या नहीं है।
इस श्रेणी में विद्धत्र (ट्रेमाटोडा) और अनांत्र (सेस्टोडा---बिना आँतवाले कीड़े) के पराश्रयी होने के कारण, इनका जीवन इतिहास परिवर्तनों से भरा होता है।
ट्रेमाटोड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A human trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni is named in his honour.
schistosomin in snails Lymnaea stagnalis infected with trematodes Trichobilharzia ocellata) that interfere with the action of reproductive hormones on their target organs.
Bombshells are identified with [their Leucochloridium is a genus of parasitic trematode worms in the order Diplostomida.
Parasites include the trematode Halipegus occidualis, the adult form of which may infest the newt's esophagus and the anterior of its stomach.
In captivity, a trematode Diplostomum ardeiformium has been described from a red-naped ibis host.
Affirmative action Centrocestus formosanus is a trematode parasite of Asian origin that has found its way into North American streams and rivers.
平面交差 Brachylaima is a genus of trematodes.
Platt (genus), a genus of digenetic trematodes in the family Spirorchiidae.
New Zealand mudsnails are commonly infected with trematode parasites, which are particularly abundant in shallow water, but scarce in deeper water.
Common parasites of this snail include trematodes of the genus Microphallus.
Other organisms associated with the species include endoparasitic trematodes Plagiorchis dactylopharynx, Papillatrema echinata and Stomylotrema travassosi.