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थरथरना Meaning in English

थरथरना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tremble

थरथरना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Nevertheless, Bridaine denounced the assembly as sinners, and bade them to tremble before him, "Today I hold your condemnation in my hand.

His specific mission or goal appears not to have been stated explicitly, but there is intimation of some law-enforcement function: As many covers note breathlessly, "Ringo!" is "The name that makes killers tremble!".

Dutremble, the Democratic State Senate President from Biddeford.

How we tremble when you have to wait to get into the movies, restaurants and nightclubs.

"that the Queen, the crown Prince and his consort, as well as the other royal Princes and Princesses, trembled with indignation at the humiliating constraint which made them the guests of a woman, whose very neighbourhood they felt to be an insult.

That it could not have been committed to better hands, their keeping their ground (indeed gaining upon the enemy) for an hour and a half with unequal arms against superior numbers, and amid a carnage that might have made veterans tremble, is sufficient evidence.

Pointe-aux-trembles is more urban and dense but remains suburban in nature.

The Midrash thus counted Abraham's servant along with Jacob and Abishai the son of Zeruiah as men who miraculously traveled long distances in a short time when the earth trembled, closing gaps and thereby speeding them along.

Dunn then moved onto the scene during the funeral, when the child trembled from seeing her mother's lips sewn shut.

While in Hell the protagonists are at a loss to understand the identity of a moustached man with a strange armband who speaks with a strong Germanic accent, and why the most powerful demons tremble at the sight of him, or why he uses the "ancient and honorable symbol of the fylfot".

So tremble guilty couple.

Isaac trembled and asked who it was then who had served him, received his blessing, and now must remain blessed.

" Rabban Gamaliel also cited the interpretation of Rabbi Eleazar the Modiite, who taught that one should reverse the word and interpret it: "You trembled (, zi'az'ata), you recoiled (, halita), your sin fled (, parhah) from you.

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