ट्रिमिंग से Meaning in English
ट्रिमिंग से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trimming
, from trimming
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विश्वस्त सूट्रों सेतुनुकमिज़ाजी से
टेबल के नीचे से
ज्वालामुखी से
अंदर से
लकड़ी के पीपे से
सामने और एफटी
मोर्चा चहारदीवारी
सामने बर्नर
ट्रिमिंग-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He thought that he could come up with a similar technique to protect the bark on trees that he was trimming around.
A cuff may display an ornamental border or have lace or some other trimming.
Its rimless, straight wall case was originally formed by trimming the .
When facing left, the main parts and trimmings of Gi Gi's body will be red, but when he is facing right, they will be blue.
He is most notable for his habit of trimming his robe with the beards of eleven kings he has conquered, he wants Arthur's for a complete twelve.
The original store opened in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1882 and sold only mantles, silk goods, dresses, fabrics and trimmings and did not broaden into a department store until John's eldest son Fred Fenwick joined the business in 1890.
There was additional bracing to the tailplane and both it and the fin carried small movable trimming surfaces.
The original station building, which was little more than a cottage, was replaced in 1847 with the substantially larger white brick building with ashlar trimmings which still exists.
The protesters simultaneously began cutting their lawns with electric lawnmowers and diesel tractors, trimming their hedges, and turning on their hoses.
Boxer-primed cases can be easily formed via resizing and trimming 6.
220" Swift, but in addition to resizing and trimming, this also requires turning the rims down on a lathe and cutting deeper extractor grooves.
Industrial buttons often went through some extent of "tuning", such as scraping or slicing off layers or trimming playing edges.
The viaduct's carriageway was widened to allow for two car lanes, by trimming back the inside face of the stone parapets.