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अग्रतम Meaning in English

अग्रतम शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : top most
, front

अग्रतम इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

She was also part of the successful performing group The Young Americans, which is based in Southern California and performs in front of audiences worldwide.

Eagle computers came with a version of Spellbinder already configured, with many functions already assigned to keys (the keys had labels on their fronts to show their Spellbinder functions).

Kalaw in front of National Library, and murals in marble at the National Heroes Shrine, Mt.

1997, USA, Forefront Records FFD-5178, release date January 1997, CD.

MLOCRs work by capturing images of the front of letter-sized mailpieces, and extracting the entire address from each piece.

Kotov confronts Mitya about his activities in Paris, where he gave up eight White Army generals to the NKVD.

In 1998, Burnside surprised some people by acting for the Maritime Union of Australia in its battle with Patrick Corporation during the 1998 Australian waterfront dispute, one of Australia's most severe and longest industrial relations controversies.

It occupies the most rostral portion of the frontal lobe.

From the aponeurosis, the frontal belly is inserted in the fascia of the facial muscles and in the skin above the eyes and nose.

Harbourfront, Toronto.

In February 1927, President Calvin Coolidge issued a call to the Big Five Powers to meet in Geneva to confront the issue of naval rivalries, as a result of discussions about naval arms limitations at League of Nations disarmament meetings.

CT *u was lowered to WYu o in some words, most commonly around velars and r: CT *burun > WYu pʰorn "before, front".

All high vowels were merged - as front vowels in palatal contexts, and as back otherwise: CT *üčün > WYu utɕin "with, using", CT *yïlan > WYu yilan "snake".

अग्रतम हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उनकी प्रौद्योगिकियों में ईसीआईएल अग्रतम रहा।

"" कीलिसैराएँ (chelicerae) अग्रतम उपाँग हैं और ये शिकार के अध्यावरण (integument) को फाड़ने के काम में आते हैं।

इसका दृष्टिकोण है: औषधीय एवं सगंध पौधों पर नवीनतम वैज्ञानिक शोध एवं व्यापार का सशक्तिकरण जिससे हरित प्रौद्योगिकी पर आधारित उत्कृष्ट जीवन शैली के क्षेत्र में भारत विश्व का अग्रतम राष्ट्र बन सके।

शस्त्रीकरण शक्ति का प्रत्यक्ष एवं अग्रतम रूप है।

अग्रतम इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Meridian is one of the top most school in Hyderabad.

One can even go to the top most place in the hills around where there is a small village known as Chapewadi.

Almost all red clay courts are made not of natural clay but of crushed brick that is packed to make the court, with the top most layers consisting of finely crushed loose particles.

Nea Mărin miliardar is ranked 1 in the top most viewed Romanian films of all time.

The Reserve Bank of India ordered the bank to stop most of its operations under Section 35 of the Banking Regulation Act, on 14 September 2007, and ACBL closed in March 2008.

The armour was sufficient to stop most shell fragments and small arms fire, but could not withstand any kind of cannon or heavy machine-gun fire.

The link between the two zones in the top most figure of the bank of the sleeping figures who just begins to lift his head and opens his eyes as he re-awakes to another existence.

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