टुकड़ा करने की क्रिया Meaning in English
टुकड़ा करने की क्रिया शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slicing
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टुकड़ा-करने-की-क्रिया हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""लेखक इस पुस्तक के मूल विषय को 'पतला टुकड़ा करने की क्रिया': माप करने की हमारी योग्यता, जो वास्तव में अनुभव के बहुत नजदीक से हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है, के रूप में वर्णन किया है।
ग्लैडवेल पतला टुकड़ा करने की क्रिया के साथ लोगों के नियमित अनुभवों के कई उदाहरणों को प्रस्तुत करते हैं।
टुकड़ा-करने-की-क्रिया इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
They include splitting the opponent in half, decapitation, artery rupture, organ removal, and limb slicing.
Industrial buttons often went through some extent of "tuning", such as scraping or slicing off layers or trimming playing edges.
Noble titles created in 1800 Bit slicing is a technique for constructing a processor from modules of processors of smaller bit width, for the purpose of increasing the word length; in theory to make an arbitrary n-bit CPU.
Bit slicing more or less died out due to the advent of the microprocessor.
Bit slicing, although not called that at the time, was also used in computers before large scale integrated circuits (LSI, the predecessor to today's VLSI, or very-large-scale integration circuits).
The main advantage was that bit slicing made it economically possible in smaller processors to use bipolar transistors, which switch much faster than NMOS or CMOS transistors.
In more recent times, the term bit slicing was re-coined by Matthew Kwan to refer to the technique of using a general purpose CPU to implement multiple parallel simple virtual machines using general logic instructions to perform Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) operations.
a bitslicing primer presenting a pedagogical bitsliced implementation of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA), a block cipher.
Using a display motorcycle and sword props from the foyer, they ride through the auditorium, slicing down many demons.
These were particularly suited for crushing over an exclusively slicing action.
This reflects the bear's diet, as the flattened carnassials are useful both in slicing meat and grinding up vegetation, whereas the leopard's sharp carnassial pairs are more adapted for its [diet.
Pekiti-Tirsia's movements are based on the traditional blade art of the Philippines - Kali, which involves slicing swords in a circular motion, symbolic of the orbits of the moon and the planets.
It is capable of delivering both chopping and slicing cuts.