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ज्ञानातीत Meaning in English

ज्ञानातीत शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : transcendent

ज्ञानातीत हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" इसमें, सारहीन वास्तविकताओं में विश्वास या अंतस्‍थ के अनुभव या संसार की ज्ञानातीत प्रकृति शामिल हो सकती है।

इसमें, सारहीन वास्तविकताओं में विश्वास या अंतस्‍थ के अनुभव या संसार की ज्ञानातीत प्रकृति शामिल हो सकती है।

ज्ञानातीत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

ACT helps the individual get in contact with a transcendent sense of self known as self-as-context—the you who is always there observing and experiencing and yet distinct from one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, and memories.

The observing self: Accessing a transcendent sense of self, a continuity of consciousness which is unchanging.

ACT and 12-step both encourage the pragmatic utility of cultivating a transcendent sense of self ([power]) within an unconventional, individualized spirituality.

Mike Pattenden from The Times found the album to be a generally strong debut, commenting that the slower tracks displayed a "transcendent quality that suggest Morning Runner are in it for the long haul".

The Kodaira vanishing theorem can be formulated within the language of algebraic geometry without any reference to transcendental methods such as Kähler metrics.

There are moments of transcendental magic on this album" - Bruce Elder, The Sydney Morning Herald.

" Aquinas partly explained this in terms of primary and secondary causality, whereby God is the primary (or transcendent) cause of the world, but not the secondary (or immanent) cause of everything that occurs in it.

The alternatives were obvious : Either Jesus was what the Catholic Church said He was or He did not exist; either He was the Man from heaven, a complete break with the natural order of things, the representative of a transcendental order, supernatural, super-rational super-everything, or He was nothing.

Valid artistic creation only happens when there is a search for transcendent, trans-individual values.

In this alienated state, Smith experiences a transcendental revelation while looking into a display window of an orthopedic appliances store.

The energy levels Ek^2\hbar^2/(2m) are determined once k is solved as a root of the following transcendental equation.

According to his telefinalist hypothesis a transcendent cause which he equated with God is directing the evolutionary process.

One article particularly summarized these similar observations by noting that “Sublime’s songs, like [Del Rey’s], are set in the shadowy corners of California, teeming with star-crossed lovers, transcendental depravity, and A-1 storytelling.

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