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प्रतिलिपि करना Meaning in English

प्रतिलिपि करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : transcribe

प्रतिलिपि-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" पुस्तक एकत्र करना, उद्धरण प्रतिलिपि करना और उनका संयोजन करना, आदि कार्य इतना श्रम-समय-साध्य था जो सात बर्षों में एक व्यक्ति के द्वारा सर्वथा असंभव था।

पुस्तक एकत्र करना, उद्धरण प्रतिलिपि करना और उनका संयोजन करना, आदि कार्य इतना श्रम-समय-साध्य था जो सात बर्षों में एक व्यक्ति के द्वारा सर्वथा असंभव था।

प्रतिलिपि-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

With its energetic refrain, often transcribed as "A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-lop-bam-boom!" (a verbal rendition of a drum pattern that Little Richard had imagined), and its hard-driving sound and wild lyrics, it became not only a model for many future Little Richard songs, but also a model for rock and roll itself.

During induction, prophage DNA is excised from the bacterial genome and is transcribed and translated to make coat proteins for the virus and regulate lytic growth.

The song was also transcribed in the January 2005 issue of Guitar World.

This stress-induced unwinding was shown to coincide with DNA promoter regions of bacterial plasmids and may direct the global response of cells to changes in their external environments by affecting which genes are transcribed.

In Czech and Slovak, it is often transcribed as (it is used more frequently on the latter language).

Additionally, in an age before standardised spelling, Shakespeare often wrote a word several times in a different spelling, and this may have contributed to some of the transcribers' confusion.

The collection is accessible only by CD, though museum volunteers are working to transcribe tapes.

Association football coaches Jawāmi ul-Hikāyāt wa Lawāmi' ul-Riwāyāt ("Collections of Stories and Illustrations of Histories", commonly known by the shorter title, Jawāmi ul-Hikāyāt, also transcribed Djami al-Hikayat and Jami al-Hikayat) (جوامع الحکایات و لوامع الروایات) is a famous collection of Persian anecdotes written in the early 13th century.

others are simpler, with greater emphasis on lyrical melody, such as "Belle, Bonne, Sage", also transcribed in HAM, and characterized with "Amans" as a rondeau.

Though he was largely self-taught, he transcribed and commented on Abd al-Rahim ibn al-Husain al-'Iraqi's Al-Mughnee 'an-hamlil-Asfar fil-Asfar fee takhrej maa fil-lhyaa min al-Akhbar.

It was transcribed into modern notation and arranged for the six-string guitar by Oscar Chilesotti in 1881.

19th-century philanthropists The Bilen (also variously transcribed as Blin, and also formerly known as the Bogo, Bogos or North Agaw) are a Cushitic ethnic group in the Eritrea.

Zelzer in 1981 argued that the text as it is now known may have been transcribed out of a cursive (as opposed to block-text) copy at some point, incurring possible mistakes from the vagaries of the script.

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