जल मीनार Meaning in English
जल मीनार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : water tower
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पुल के नीचे पानी
जल वाष्प
वाटर वोल
जल वैगन
पानी से धोना
पानी का पानी
जलतरंग जैसा वाद्य
जल वज़न
जल कुंभी
जल-मीनार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""|७१||जल मीनार स्थल||शिकागो||||२६२ मी||८५९ फुट||७४||१९७६।
इसके अतिरिक्त अपने क्षेत्र में उन्होंने ने जल मीनार, बिजली, शिक्षा व्यवस्था, सड़क व्यवस्था इत्यादि को काफी सशक्त बनाया था।
जल-मीनार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The helicopters were flying too low to spot a strobe light which was placed on the embassy's water tower (the highest point within the embassy compound) and the golf course in the embassy compound had a black, oil-coated surface—not the familiar green grass that the helicopter crew would recognize.
A sniper and a spotter were positioned on the embassy's water tower (the highest structure in the compound) and came under fire; they were ordered to not return fire and soon thereafter ordered to leave their position on the water tower.
In the middle of the twentieth century, German photographers Bernd and Hilla Becher raised typology to an art form by photographing countless similar architectural features including water towers, workers' houses and industrial landscapes.
The tower features the world's longest and tallest continuous set of fiberglass stairs, ascending from the ground to the observation deck built atop a converted 100 ft by 15 ft standpipe water tower.
In 1972, a 130,000-gallon water tower was constructed to provide water to the area.
In 1998, the Marion County Conservation Board decided to convert the defunct water tower into an observation tower as part of its development plan for Cordova Park.
The world's oldest water tower is located just to the community's north on the Ohio River.
The department left these premises in 2001 for a new building on the northern campus of Lund University, inaugurated in 2001, using the nearby old water tower as their new location for astronomical observations.
Between 2001 and the inauguration of the Vattenhallen in 2010 the planetarium was housed in the city's old water tower.
1847 permanent water tower built.
The fort used by the Grand Pierre militia company may have been the blockhouse formerly located north of the present-day water tower that was used later by the Sturdivant Gang for counterfeiting in the late 1810s and early 1820s.
She then drinks from a water tower (which has disappointingly little water in it, reflecting the lyric that her lover cheats and then there's very little left for her) and checks her makeup in a glass window.
The Cohuna water tower is adorned with the town's name, and visible for kilometres.