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जमीन खोना Meaning in English

जमीन खोना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lose ground

जमीन-खोना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" मैतेई संप्रदाय के विशाल बहुमत के खिलाफ भाषा धीरे-धीरे मणिपुर में अपनी जमीन खोना शुरू कर रही है और बंगाली वक्ताओं के विशाल बहुमत के खिलाफ कछार और बांग्लादेश में धीरे-धीरे इसकी क्षय का सामना करना पड़ रहा है।

मैतेई संप्रदाय के विशाल बहुमत के खिलाफ भाषा धीरे-धीरे मणिपुर में अपनी जमीन खोना शुरू कर रही है और बंगाली वक्ताओं के विशाल बहुमत के खिलाफ कछार और बांग्लादेश में धीरे-धीरे इसकी क्षय का सामना करना पड़ रहा है।

जमीन-खोना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Around the turn, Personal Ensign began to close ground and trailed by just two lengths after the six furlongs was completed in 1:09.

With three furlongs remaining, Bold Ruler moved up to battle for the lead while Gallant Man and Dedicate started to close ground.

Down the stretch, Clem started to close ground and actually got a head in front before Bold Ruler rallied in the final strides to win by a nose.

By the fourth, Delloreen Ennis-London began to separate by inches from the wall as Mariya Koroteyeva and Kirsten Bolm began to lose ground.

While "Nederduytsch" briefly eclipsed the use of "Nederlandsch" during the 17th century, it always remained a somewhat officious, literary and scholarly term among the general populace and steadily started to lose ground to "Nederlandsch" in print after 1700.

Tonelli began to lose ground in the last 50"nbsp;m and was a bodylength behind until a late surge brought him to within a metre of the lead by the end of his leg.

After the timeline is reset, Loki brings about Ragnarök in Asgard, during which the godly forces swiftly lose ground.

He began to lose ground in the last 50"nbsp;m and was a bodylength behind until a late surge brought him to within a metre by the end of his leg.

He began to lose ground in the last 50"nbsp;m and was a bodylength behind until a late surge brought him to within a metre of his Soviet opponent by the end of his leg.

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