इसे खोना Meaning in English
इसे खोना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lose it
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
बहुत ज्यादा चिंता नहीं करनापद को खोना
शक्ति खोना
शिकार खो बैठना
सम्मान खोना
नज़र से हटना
किसी की नस खोना
किसी का रास्ता खोना
विचार शक्ति हर लेना
सुझ बुझ खो देना
ओर छोर का पता नहीं चलना
समय गँवाअना
समय गँवाना
वजन कम करना
अपनी प्रतीष्ठा गँवाना
इसे-खोना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" वो इसे खोना नहीं चाहेंगे और इसलिए ही आदेशों का पालन करते हैं और तलवे चाटते हैं।
इसे-खोना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
On July 12, 1995, due to financial struggles, McMahon chose to close its Toronto office and run the shows in Toronto without any involvement from Tunney's Toronto office (Billy "Red" Lyons was also gone since he helped Tunney run the office).
They had been deployed to Balangiga to close its port and prevent supplies reaching Filipino forces in the interior, which at that time were under the command of General Vicente Lukbán.
After not meeting corporate expectations, Foot Locker planned to close its CCS unit but instead sold it to Daddies Board Shop in 2014.
Almost all modern translations now include the Pericope de Adultera at John 7:53-8:11, but some enclose it in brackets or add a note concerning the oldest and most reliable witnesses.
In April 2014, Philip Morris International announced that it would close its Moorabbin plant in Australia by the end of 2014 after operating for 60 years, due to the gradual decline of sales in the last ten years and difficulties conforming to 2010 Australian government regulation about reducing fire risks.
"We are ready to sell the presses to pay the staff rather than agree that the paper should lose its independence," the journalists said.
In 1982 there was a step-change in types of BT phones entering the market, and technology used for connecting phones, and the BABT was needed with a greater variety of phones than was previously available: BT was about to lose its monopoly on supplying phones.
His experience in the nightclubs of Las Vegas had given him a more mature, jazzy sound that did not lose its intimacy.
The Court of Appeal affirmed that the applicant had a legitimate expectation that the authority would keep the facility open, and quashed the authority's decision to close it.
In 2014, Sears announced that it would close its Eaton Center location.
In the 18th century, these rights were successively purchased by the aristocratic von Graffenried and von Tscharner families seated at the Lohn estate in Kehrsatz only to lose it all when Switzerland was invaded by the French in 1798 that resulted in the abolishment of the ancient order.
Oftel and ICSTIS warned the company that it could be fined or lose its licence to operate if found to have encouraged the practice, but were satisfied that the company had moved quickly to stamp out any abuses, including dismissing some employees after investigating.
It was announced in January 2015 that Dymocks would close its flagship IFC MALL store on 25 January, and that it would subsequently close its Hong Kong office.