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चौकसी से ले जाना Meaning in English

चौकसी से ले जाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : carefully
, guard

चौकसी-से-ले-जाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

After receiving the salute, the president walks to salute the color guard provided by the Michael the Brave 30th Guards Brigade before inspecting and greeting the guard of honor.

A few years before this, he had released a set of recordings for Vanguard of many of Bach's larger organ works on a majestic Marcussen instrument in Sweden.

Vorenus reports for duty as Erastes's "bodyguard," but quits as soon as he sees what is expected of him: torturing, and then killing, a business client of Fulmen's who considered himself cheated in a recent deal.

A guard of honour was mounted by the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers and the royal party were conducted by Mr Williams to the Ffestiniog railway station where they joined a special train to .

Fluker, NFL guard for the Seattle Seahawks.

While on a caper at a nuclear power plant at which he worked as a security guard, Tryon was caught in the meltdown of a nuclear reactor, turning his body into sentient nuclear energy that could only be contained in a special containment suit.

Bigboy, the sadistic, ruthless chief of the prison guards in the Stephen Hunter novel Pale Horse Coming.

Their task was to guard the government quarter.

When Humphreys realized that the Confederates held a strong position in force, he recalled Barlow's division, which had been marching along the South Side Railroad following Gordon's corps toward Farmville and to guard against a Confederate move toward Danville, to rejoin the other II Corps divisions.

" He believed the reform of boards of guardians was unwarranted as "the system under which the Poor Law is administered is as admirable as it is possible for the ingenuity and humanity of man to devise", and he called on the government to drop the proposals.

Special Safeguard Mechanism.

A Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) would allow developing countries to impose additional safety measures in the event of an abnormal surge in imports or the entry of unusually cheap imports.

It consisted of a breastplate and backplate with laminated thigh-guards called tassets.

Penal military unit personnel were always rearguarded by NKVD anti-retreat detachments, and not by regular Red Army infantry forces.

चौकसी-से-ले-जाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

As a result, visitors must walk carefully to avoid breaking the small ridges.

All violence or excess was of course to be carefully avoided, but fresh air, gentle exercise and walking was as necessary as food or rest, according to Cheyne.

When lesions are small, they can be carefully watched on an annual basis.

Amano's compositions drew on Japanese gardening techniques that attempt to mimic natural landscapes by the asymmetrical arrangement of masses of relatively few species of plants, and which set rules governing carefully selected stones or driftwood, usually with a single focal point.

Intelligence was carefully gathered about Ethiopia while the size of the army was calculated and its needs estimated before the massive effort was begun.

Your religious establishments, your persons and your property shall be carefully protected.

# Usage rule A party must not use formulations that are insufficiently clear or confusingly ambiguous and a party must interpret the other party's formulations as carefully and accurately as possible.

These buildings did not share the refinement of the house and were more like farm buildings, but they were still carefully designed, with fine brickwork arches and decoration at the eaves.

Later, the chemical was produced with increasingly small grinds and without carefully removing impurities; its permanence suffered.

At the end of the night, the crowd would start chanting, "On your head! On your head!" He would carefully fold a towel, put it on the floor, stand on his head, and then drink a beer while upside down faster than anyone could drink one standing up.

However, the packaging and optimization of the splices and FBGs themselves are non-trivial at these power levels as are the matching of the various fibers, since the composition of the Yb-doped fiber and various passive and photosensitive fibers needs to be carefully matched across the entire fiber laser chain.

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