रक्षण Meaning in English
रक्षण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : protection
, guarding
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
रक्षमाणपहारा देने का खम्भा
पहरा पूर्वक
रखवाले की ड्यूटी
ग्वाश पेंटिंग
ग्वाटेमेले का
अमरूद बुश
रक्षण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A special MP unit for guarding VIPs who passed through the area (מאבטח אישים משטרה צבאית, Me'avte'ah Ishim Mishtara Tzva'it, abbr.
He received about 2½ months training at Camp Douglas in Chicago, which included some duty guarding Confederate prisoners who were being held to be exchanged for Union prisoners of war from the Battle of Harpers Ferry.
The Lamanite armies attack the Nephites guarding the prisoners and free the prisoners.
The small rebel detachment guarding the ford was being steadily reinforced by two brigades of General John Marmaduke's division, one commanded by William Cabell and one under Colton Green.
Bicton appears in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Bechetone, held by William Porter, probably by the service of guarding the gate at Exeter Castle and the prison there.
The arrests followed the submission of reports by a safeguarding consultant from Lambeth Palace to the police.
When the 2nd Iowa began guarding the prison, there were approximately 1,300 prisoners held at the college.
Sterett departed Espiritu Santo on 8 March and resumed her original assignment – guarding convoys to the Solomons-Bismarcks area and patrolling the area to prevent enemy reinforcements from being moved into the fray.
The walls are up to 3"nbsp;m (10"nbsp;ft) thick, affording strong defence to this highly strategic location, guarding the entrance to Loch Etive and the Pass of Brander beyond, and today commanding a splendid view.
Saint-Chamond was originally a fort guarding one of five aqueducts that supplied the Roman city of Lugdunum (Lyon).
They were the only Cossack Host that had a naval role and were tasked in guarding the Black Sea coasts of the Caucasus and Crimea.
Soon after, the regiment marched to Jackson and Pilot Knob, Missouri, and Fort Jefferson, Kentucky, for more guarding duty until reporting back to Bird's Point on September 24, 1861.
रक्षण हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""ऑस्ट्रेलिया और न्यूजीलैंड में आयोजित 1992 विश्व कप ने खेल में कई बदलावों को पेश किया, जैसे रंगीन कपड़े, सफेद गेंद, दिन/रात के मैच और क्षेत्ररक्षण प्रतिबंध नियमों में बदलाव आ गए थे।
किसी संविदा के वैध होने के लिए उसे राज्य का संरक्षण एवं अवलंबन प्राप्त होना चाहिए; सामाजिक संविदा के पीछे ऐसी किसी शक्ति का उल्लेख नहीं।
उनका स्राव प्रतिरक्षण प्रणाली रिऐक्शन या अन्य किसी कारण से हो सकता है जो प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली से संबंधित न हो।
बांग्लादेश ने 2018 सरकारी नौकरियों से आरक्षण का प्रावधान खत्म किया।
वर्तमान में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका पर्यावरण संरक्षण एजेंसी ' 7.3 बिलियन (2007) की एक वार्षिक बजट है।
केआईओसीएल में अनुलाभीकरण और पैलेटीकरण संयंत्रों के प्रचालन और अनुरक्षण में २५ वर्षों से अधिक अनुभव के प्रतिबद्ध एवं अनुभवी वरिष्ठ स्तर के कर्मचारी हैं।
""सन् 1994 में, पांच अनामिक असैनिक कॉनट्रैक्टर और कॉनट्रैक्टर वाल्टर कास्ज़ा तथा रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट की विधवाओं ने USAF और अमेरिकी पर्यावरण संरक्षण एजेंसी पर मुकदमा कर दिया।
मिल्कियत का इस्तेमाल करते और प्रभु के संरक्षण के लिए विदेशी मुद्रा में, जागीरदार प्रभु की सेवा के कुछ प्रकार प्रदान करेगा।
""प्रदूषण अथवा पर्यावरणीय प्रदूषण पर्यावरण में किसी पदार्थ (ठोस, द्रव या गैस) अथवा ऊर्जा (ऊष्मा, ध्वनि, रेडियोधर्मिता इत्यादि) के प्रवेश को कहते हैं यदि इसकी गति इतनी तेज हो कि सामान्य और प्राकृतिक प्रक्रियाओं द्वारा इसका परिक्षेपण, मंदन, वियोजन, पुनर्चक्रण अथवा अहानिकारक रूप में संरक्षण न हो सके।
अशक्ता हि सुराद्याश्च ह्यशक्ताः मुनयस्तथा | गुरुशापोपपन्नस्य रक्षणाय च कुत्रचित् || १५०||।
यह स्वयं ढांचे के द्वारा रक्षण (जिसका अर्थ विवर्तन/क्षय/अवशोषण होता है) से लेकर दोहरे पर्दों को इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रूप से संयोजित करने तक हो सकता है।
इनके साथ साथ नारंगी रंग के दिल्ली गुलाब और अभिसुंदरा (gerbera) लताएँ लगा देने से वर्ष भर सुंदर लगनेवाला अद्भुत विन्यास तैयार होता है, जिसकी अनुरक्षण लागत बहुत कम होती है।
रोग प्रतिरक्षण उत्पन्न करने के लिए दोषी पराग की थोड़ी मात्रा से प्रांरभ कर, मात्रा को धीरे धीरे बढ़ाते हुए, सुई देने से शरीर में इतनी निरापदता आ जाती है कि उससे फिर रोग उत्पन्न होने की संभावना नहीं रहती।
रक्षण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The gang was first formed as a protection group from the ABCs (American born Chinese) and later evolved into a criminal gang.
Pushing the security down to the hardware level provides more protection than a software-only solution.
Without this level of protection, only passwords with high complexity would provide sufficient protection.
The Wellington Rooms were designated a listed building (Grade II*) in the 1950s, but this official protection did not prevent the property becoming derelict after the Irish Centre closed in 1997.
He first sought and obtained trademark protection for the character in Canada in 1934 and subsequently in Argentina (1937), Great Britain (1938), and Mexico (1938).
As a respected former mayor, Barthelemy joined other former mayors Moon Landrieu and Marc Morial in a meeting on January 7, 2006 with parish presidents from the New Orleans metropolitan area to discuss post-Katrina plans for regional flood protection .
To fight this problem, the CBLCP focused their efforts on two approaches: increasing education and awareness levels about the decline of the langur population and other conservation issues and creating a protection network that relies on the local population.
In the 12th century, Fulda built on the heights over on the Saale's left bank the castle of Saaleck for Hammelburg's protection, which particularly served for control of the Trimburg established by the Hennebergs.
The trees planted will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and provide, as well as environmental benefits, such as water and air quality preservation, and biodiversity protection.
Kalat's feudatory states, Las Bela and Kharan, and its district of Makran, requested Pakistan to be allowed to accede separately, stating that "if Pakistan was not prepared to accept their offers of accession immediately, they would be compelled to take other steps for their protection against Khan of Kalat.
Kirkham had sacrificed the right to British protection by taking service with Yohannes, something which came back to haunt him when he was imprisoned in Massawa by Egyptian forces during the Egyptian-Ethiopian War.
Tewodros had asked his wife, the Empress Tiruwork Wube, in the event of his death, to put his son, Prince Alemayehu, under the protection of the English.