घूरते हुए Meaning in English
घूरते हुए शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : staring
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घूरते-हुए हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
एक पर्दे के पीछे साक्षात्कार में लेसनर ने दावा किया कि वे दुनिया में किसी को भी हरा सकते थे, जिसके कारण गोल्डबर्ग ने साक्षात्कार में दखल देते हुए लेसनर को अपना परिचय दिया, घूरते हुए जाने से पहले उनके साथ हाथ मिलाया।
वह अचानक सीढ़ियों के ऊपर चढ़ती है जिसे मैथ्यू चुपचाप सीढ़ियों पर बैठ कर घूरते हुए चौंका देता है, अजीब वह्शी हालत में मैथ्यू सूज़न को लात मारने और घर से बाहर निकालने का प्रयास करता है, सूज़न हैरान है की क्या हो रहा है।
"" उसने लाल आँखों से घूरते हुए मुझे श्राप दे दिया।
घूरते-हुए इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He was observed in a street staring at his reflection in a mirror, convinced that some sort of doctor had drilled a hole in his nose.
The softer facial expression gives an air of familiarity between the subject and the viewer; she is not blank and staring into the eyes of the viewer like portraits of wealthy women, but rather is looking towards the viewer with a half smile like a passing acquaintance.
They warn him against staring at "Doyle's property" and smash up his car.
The account reads, "[He] removed the manhole cover and began to clear an obstruction when he realized that a set of 'evil looking eyes' was staring at him.
The staring busts remain.
Looking In, also in 1970, featured not only "Poor Girl" and "Money Can't Save Your Soul" but one of the era's memorable LP covers, a troglodyte-like savage staring into an eye socket of a monstrous skull.
He stood staring at the gentleman for several seconds before uttering "Practice once in a fuckin' while" while walking away.
He asks if he can obey this, but Jue Yuan is silent, staring downward.
Now, in the present, he looks up from the jade amulet to see Bai Wu Xia, who has sneaked into the side wing of the sanctum and is staring at him from behind a great pillar.
As the intro to the game begins, the group reciting Elizabeth Bathory's prayer is heard as the game zooms to Bathory, staring out her window, before the screen cuts to black, and the credits roll.
Quantum models A staring array, also known as staring-plane array or focal-plane array (FPA), is an image sensor consisting of an array (typically rectangular) of light-sensing pixels at the focal plane of a lens.
A staring array is analogous to the film in a typical camera; it directly captures a 2-D image projected by the lens at the image plane.
After using music to help his treatment she notices him staring at a death metal cd.