स्टारलिंग्स Meaning in English
स्टारलिंग्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : starlings
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स्टारलिंग्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
These small short-tailed starlings have a long narrow bill, robust bodies, strong feet and a distinctive plumage pattern.
Moreover, only adult superb starlings have a white breast band.
These starlings are usually found in small groups, foraging mainly on the ground but perching on trees and buildings.
Like many other starlings, they often use a prying or gaping action, piercing soil and then opening apart the bill to dislodge hidden food.
Optimal foraging in starlings.
The starlings must determine the optimal number of prey items to take back in one trip (i.
While the starlings forage within a patch, they experience diminishing returns: the starling is able to hold only so many leatherjackets in its bill, so the speed with which the parent picks up larvae decreases with the number of larvae that it already has in its bill.
They designed an experiment in which the starlings were trained to collect mealworms from an artificial feeder at different distances from the nest.
As Figure 5 shows, if the starlings were maximizing net energy gain per unit time, a short travel time would predict a small optimal load and a long travel time would predict a larger optimal load.
Thus, Kacelnik concluded that starlings maximize net energy gain per unit time.
While this situation is similar to that of the starlings, both the constraints and currency are actually different for the bees.
Unlike the starlings in the previous example, bees maximize energy efficiency (energy gained per energy spent) rather than net rate of energy gain (net energy gained per time).