वॉचडॉग Meaning in English
वॉचडॉग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : watchdog
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
घड़ियोंदर्शकों को देखना
चौकीदार , पहरेदार , रक्षक
पहरेदार का केबिन
चौकीदार का घर
पहरेदार का काम
पानी न देना
वॉचडॉग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" इसके लिए एक दर्शक से शिकायत आई कि यह कार्टून युवा दर्शकों के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है और बाद में UK मीडिया वॉचडॉग OFCOM ने इसका निरीक्षण किया।
बीबीसी वॉचडॉग (BBC Watchdog) द्वारा कराए गए एक चुनाव के अनुसार, AOL को ब्रिटेन में एक सर्वश्रेठ और निकृष्टतम इंटरनेट आपूर्तिकर्ता का दर्ज़ा दिया गया।
बाद की श्रृंखला में अन्य शो के खंड शामिल थे जिन पर एलियट ने काम किया था, जिसमें मुख्य डॉग सिटी पात्रों की विशेषता वाली स्किट और बैटमैन पैरोडी वॉचडॉग अभिनीत एक सुपर हीरो श्रृंखला शामिल थी।
वॉचडॉग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He has also provoked controversy that led to Cunningham being named "one of the most prolific purveyors of hate speech" by Media Matters, a left-wing media watchdog group.
" These statements, also including comparisons between Obama and Hitler and suggesting that Obama wanted to murder Jews the way Hitler did, led to Cunningham being named "one of the most prolific purveyors of hate speech" by a media watchdog group.
In August 2020 Lars Findsen was relieved of duty "for the time being" and two other employees were also suspended after it was revealed the intelligence agency had broken laws and misled the intelligence watchdog.
The agency is also accused of concealing offences and failing to inform the intelligence agency watchdog.
Since 2004 he has been a Senior Adviser to niemanwatchdog.
Until CAMERA gets this straight, self-respecting journalists will regard an occasional snarl from the watchdog as proof that they're doing their job.
Jonathan Cook lists CAMERA among "Zionist watchdogs" that "created what the late Edward Said called 'the last taboo in American public life', moving rapidly to shut down any signs of critical debate about Israeli policies or US support for such policies either in the American media or in Washington's corridors of power".
HonestReporting media watchdog "dedicated to defending Israel against prejudice in the Media".
CAMERA at Nuclear Spin (part of SpinWatch, another media watchdog group which identifies itself as "monitoring PR and Spin").
In September 2005 Ah Chong founded the Samoa Party on a platform of restoring the independence of watchdog institutions such as the Auditor-General.
Chiappone at that time created the civic activist watchdog group called REACT (REsponsible ACTion in Government).
They are described as common watchdogs, who can not distinguish between Indra's worshippers and the robbers.