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ग्रेडेशन Meaning in English

ग्रेडेशन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gradation
, gradations

ग्रेडेशन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It enables the network engineers to proactively prepare for degradations in their IT infrastructure and ultimately help the end-user experience.

The relationship is distinguished based on gradasi (gradations) of the relationship, namely sapiah balahan (female bloodline), kaduang karatan (male bloodline), Kapak radai, and timbang pacahan who are royal descendants.

For the first time, she witnessed segregation, intimidation, physical assault, and other degradations suffered by many blacks.

Synthetic shave brushes, most often made using nylon bristles, are available in a range of prices and gradations in quality.

This drop in thrust is mainly caused by the reduction in air mass flow, but the reduction in turbine rotor inlet temperature and degradations in component performance will also contribute.

The raw materials are powdered into 16 gradations from fine to sandy grain textures.

His architectural mode of expression followed a temporal progression similar to the dramatic unfolding of a play, and gradations in ornamentation throughout the interior of a building resembled a succession of stage sets in a theatrical performance.

Towards the south the distant hills beyond the Sarca waved in gradations of purple and blue through the shimmer of the Italian sunshine.

image that consists of distinct straight or curved lines placed against a (usually plain) background, without gradations in shade (darkness) or [( Jack Kerley is an American author.

(4) Illusions perdues is also full of the "sublimities and degradations", "excited emphasis" and "romantic rhetoric" to which F.

The gradations are most often used in reference to beef (especially steaks and roasts) but are also applicable to other types of meat.

Both degradations involve the enzymes monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), albeit in reverse order: MAO catalyzes dopamine to DOPAC, and COMT catalyzes DOPAC to HVA; whereas COMT catalyzes dopamine to 3-MT and MAO catalyzes 3-MT to HVA.

It elaborately describes gradations of bhakti from its lowest stage of sraddha (faith) up to its highest stage of maha-bhava (ultimate ecstasy in love of Godhead).

ग्रेडेशन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

यह रंगतों के ग्रेडेशन से बनी खामोशी है, जिस पर कोई रंग-घटना नहीं उभरती, सिर्फ धुंध की तरह उड़ती हुई रंगतें कैनवास पर घुमड़ती रहती हैं।

ऐसे में आपको सात-आठ सौ रुपए खर्च करके अपनी रैम का अपग्रेडेशन (कम से कम ५१२ एमबी तक) करवाना पड़ सकता है।

SRP के अलावा कच्ची रेत की ड्रेजींग, अपग्रेडेशन, ड्राय मिल के जरिए विशिष्ट खनिजों का पृथ्थकरण जौसे कार्य में ऑसकॉम सक्षमता से कार्य कर रहा है।

"" ऐसे में आपको सात-आठ सौ रुपए खर्च करके अपनी रैम का अपग्रेडेशन (कम से कम ५१२ एमबी तक) करवाना पड़ सकता है।

(४) नॉन–डेसक्रिप्ट पशुओं का गिर, साहीवाल, राठी, देउनी, थारपारकर, रेड सिन्धी और अन्य कुलीन स्वदेशी नस्लों के जरिए अपग्रेडेशन करना ।

2002 तक कैंट्रेल ने अपने दूसरे सोलो एलबम डिग्रेडेशन ट्रिप का काम पूरा कर लिया था।

1992, दॅ वायलेंस ऑफ दॅ ग्रीन रिवॉल्यूशन: ईकोलॉजिकल दिग्रेडेशन एंड पॉलिटिकल कन्फ्लिक्ट इन पंजाब, जेड प्रेस, नई दिल्ली।

जैरी कैन्ट्रेल के पास उनकी डिग्रेडेशन ट्रिप डबल एल्बम पर सिद्धार्थ नाम का गाना था।

रेड (REDD) – रिड्युसिंग एमिशंस फ्रॉम डीफ़ॉरेस्टेशन एण्ड डीग्रेडेशन -अर्थात वनों की कटाई और वन क्षरण से होने वाले उत्सर्जन की रोकथांम।

यूएनईपी (UNEP) प्रोग्रैम इन सक्सेस स्टोरीज़ इन लैंड डिग्रेडेशन / डिसर्टिफिकेशन कंट्रोल ।

२) प्रोद्योगिकी के अपग्रेडेशन : विकासशील देशों के लिए मशीनरी और उपकरण स्थानांतरित करते हुए विदेशी निवेश के लिए इसके साथ तकनीकी ज्ञान होता है।

ग्रेडेशन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Unlike β-lactams such as penicillin and amoxicillin, which are highly susceptible to degradation by β-lactamase enzymes (produced, for example, nearly universally by S.

aureus), cefotaxime boasts the additional benefit of resistance to β-lactamase degradation due to the structural configuration of the cefotaxime molecule.

Cilastatin can therefore be combined intravenously with imipenem in order to protect it from degradation, prolonging its antibacterial effect.

Once optimized, these monolithic cavities do not need realignment during the life of the device, removing any cleaning and degradation of fiber surface from the maintenance schedule of the laser.

In the 1960s the revolutionary group Situationist International came to some prominence, staging 'situations' intended to highlight an alternative way of life to advanced capitalism, the latter conceptualized as a diffuse 'spectacle', a fake reality masking a degradation of human life.

Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm of cells while oxidative degradation occurs in the mitochondria.

DSIS (Double Stimulus Impairment Scale) and DCR (Degradation Category Rating): both refer to the same method.

(4) Illusions perdues is also full of the "sublimities and degradations", "excited emphasis" and "romantic rhetoric" to which F.

Religious zealots take the war and plague as punishment for the city's moral degradation, and Veronica's home is quarantined and almost ransacked by a mob.

Retene is derived by degradation of specific diterpenoids biologically produced by conifer trees.

The multiplication is well defined and endows \mathcal{G}(A) with the structure of a graded algebra, with gradation \{G_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}.

Other examples include name-calling, ridicule, degradation, destruction of personal belongings, torture or killing of a pet, excessive criticism, inappropriate or excessive demands, withholding communication, and routine labeling or humiliation.

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