क्रमिक वृद्धि Meaning in English
क्रमिक वृद्धि शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gradual increase
, gradual growth
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
क्रमिक स्थापनक्रमिकतावाद
धीरे धीरे
स्नातक सिलेंडर
पदवीदायक पत्र
क्रमिक-वृद्धि इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
One would, therefore, suppose beforehand that such a code would exhibit evidence of gradual growth.
Archaeological excavations at Mathura show the gradual growth of a village into an important city.
क्रमिक-वृद्धि हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
१९९० में निधन गिरिपीठ या तलहटी भौगोलिक दृष्टि से एक पर्वत श्रृंखला के आधार से क्रमिक वृद्धि के रूप में परिभाषित कर सकते हैं।
""नौकायन शिल्प के आकार और जटिलता में क्रमिक वृद्धि ने व्यापार की स्थापना की अनुमति दी।
हालांकि, बेट्स एवं पूल का तर्क है कि जब अनुदेशक यह कहते हैं कि वे ई-शिक्षा का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं, तो यह अक्सर ज्यादातर कक्षा सहायता के रूप में प्रौद्योगिकी के उपयोग को ही संदर्भित करता है, हालांकि समय के साथ सम्पूर्ण ऑनलाइन शिक्षा में एक क्रमिक वृद्धि भी हुई है (ऊपर बाज़ार देखें).।
फिलिस्तीन में यहूदियों की संख्या में क्रमिक वृद्धि ने प्रोटो-अरब-फिलिस्तीनी राष्ट्रीय आन्दोलन के विकास को प्रेरित किया, जो मुस्लिम नेता और यरूशलेम के मुफ्ती हज अमीन अल हुसैनिनी द्वारा प्रेरित और प्रेरित था।
उत्क्रमणमंडल और प्रकाशमंडल एक दूसरे में धीरे धीरे विलीन हो जाते हैं और प्रकाशमंडल की पहचान करनेवाला कारक अपारदर्शिता (opacity) क्रमिक वृद्धि है।
क्रमिक-वृद्धि इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Its establishment coincided with the gradual increase of the number of clerks attached to the various senior offices and departments of state, which began under Suleyman and continued well into the 17th century; thus for instance the seven and eleven clerks attached respectively to the defterdar ("treasurer") and the nişancı, ca.
As part of its 2030 strategy, MOL targets a gradual increase of the share of valuable non-motor fuel products to above 50% by 2030 from below 30% currently.
Prevention of Paget-Schroetter disease can be accomplished by gradual increases in activity and by avoiding strenuous upper extremity activity.
Since 1998, UNC has seen a gradual increase of permanent international staff within the command.
This allows for gradual increase in data link capacity where implementing a higher capacity solution like T3/E3 or SONET/SDH is not deemed feasible.
It would seem, though it does not say so, that the minimum was used for about five weeks, for a gradual increase of the same amount arrives at the maximum by 1 November.
After a gradual increase in ratings, the pair secured the number one position for the Melbourne breakfast shift in the ACNielsen survey during 2001, beating traditional Melbourne number one station 3AW.
Other local government schools have progressively closed due to declining student numbers, alongside a gradual increase in popularity of single-sex and independent secondary schools.
(source:IPSOS/MRBI 2015) The new format lead to a gradual increase in listenership.
In the 4th or 5th years, a very gradual increase to brownish feather speckling is noted but the back and crown remain a fairly pale grey.
|CrescendoA gradual increase in volume.
Channel 8 (Singapore) original programming Foothills or piedmont are geographically defined as gradual increases in elevation at the base of a mountain range, higher [range or an Sami Harun Tekin (born 28 June 1977) is a Turkish singer, musician, and poet.
In the 20th century there was a gradual increase in population due to new building in the area from the 1930s onwards.