ग़रीबी रेखा Meaning in English
ग़रीबी रेखा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : poverty line
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गरीबी से त्रस्तपी ओ डब्ल्यू
चूर्ण करना
चूर्ण बनाना
पाउडर लगाना
पाउडर नीला
पाउडर का मामला
पाउडर पत्रिका
पाउडर पफ
पाउडर रूम
पाउडर तकनीक
ग़रीबी-रेखा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" 2010 में विश्व बैंक ने सूचना दी कि भारत के 32.7% लोग रोज़ना की 1.25 की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग़रीबी रेखा के नीचे रहते हैं और 68.7% लोग रोज़ना की 2 से कम में गुज़ारा करते हैं।
आधिकारिक आंकड़ों की मानें, तो भारत की 37 प्रतिशत आबादी ग़रीबी रेखा के नीचे है।
कई विश्लेषकों का कहना है कि ऐसे में मासिक कमाई पर ग़रीबी रेखा के आंकड़ें तय करना जायज़ नहीं है।
ग़रीबी-रेखा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
" "Between 1984 and 1995 the percentage of people living below the poverty line jumped from 36 percent to 66 percent, while the number of people suffering from extreme poverty tripled, from 11 percent to 36 percent.
The government site does not consider about "potential to reach many users including those who live in remote areas, are homebound, have low literacy levels, exist on poverty line incomes.
According to a news article from the website Mashable released in 2015, 26% of the Bangladeshi American community lived under the poverty line.
However, over 35% of these children are in families that are below the poverty line.
Participants in the WIC program are now viewed as those that are inherently eligible because of an income at 185% below the poverty line or adjunctively eligible through eligibility and participation in the aforementioned programs.
In November 2012, Tkiyet Um Ali announced a campaign to quadruple the number of its beneficiaries to reach 20,000 families living under the food poverty line, aiming to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals on hunger by 2015.
3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 100.
The poverty line which follows from this, is the amount of income needed to satisfy those basic needs.
The approach has been applied in the sphere of development assistance, to determine what a society needs for subsistence, and for poor population groups to rise above the poverty line.
Almost 20% of the population lives below the poverty line.
2 percent of the people live under the poverty line, and 36.
3% of families were below the poverty line.
4% of those 65 and older were living below the poverty line.