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पाउडर लगाना Meaning in English

पाउडर लगाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : powder

पाउडर-लगाना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""एथलीट्स फुट का रोग ठीक करने के लिये पैरों को हमेशा साफ और बिल्कुल सूखा रखना चाहिए तथा उंगलियों के बीच में फुट पाउडर लगाना चाहिए।

पाउडर-लगाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Flash powders are used in a variety of military and police tactical pyrotechnics.

Stun grenades, flash bangs, and flares all use flash powder to create bright, flashing lights and loud noise that disorients the enemy.

The same flash powder used for military tactical pyrotechnics can also be used for several theatrical special effects.

Though some flash powders are too volatile and dangerous to be safely used, there are milder compounds that are still incorporated into performances today.

1510, directed by David Kennedy the first Earl of Cassilis, with encouragement from James IV, monks at Crossraguel developed production of salt by the boiling sea water in pans, and the grinding of charcoal for gunpowder.

The school colours are maroon, powder blue and white, and the school's motto is "Non Quis Sed Quid", meaning "Not who, but what".

The Mark VII has lately been superseded by a Mark VIII , the difference between the two being that the powder chamber walls of the Mark VII proved to be too thin, while the Mark VIII overcomes this defect by having thicker powder chamber walls.

It is currently found in various forms for sale including whole gallbladders, raw bile, pills, powder, flakes, and ointment.

A report published in 2013 stated that a poacher in North America can usually get US'100 to '150 for a gallbladder, but the organs can fetch $5,000 to $10,000 in the end-market once they are processed into a powder.

Raw bile and bile powder.

There is huge profitability in the trade of bile powder.

In 2007, while the wholesale price of bile powder was approximately US'410 per kg in China, the retail price increased from 25 to 50 fold in South Korea, and to 80 fold in Japan, i.

Sometimes, slices of Lontong (compressed rice roll) or "poya", a powder of mixed fried garlic with shrimp crackers or bitter sambal (orange colored) are added.

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