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काँट छाँट Meaning in English

काँट छाँट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : shave
, fork sort

काँट-छाँट हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

बोल बाँट ठुमरी में लय की काँट छाँट का अधिक काम रहता है।

उसी प्रकार मनुष्य के अवचेतन मन में उपस्थित सेन्सर अर्थात् नैतिक स्वत्व किसी भी वासना के स्वप्नचेतना में प्रकाशित होने के पूर्व काँट छाँट कर देता है।

इसके अंडाकार पत्ते डालियों पर एक-दूसरे के विपरीत लगते हैं और झाड़ी की बढ़वार इतनी साफ़ सुथरी और सलीकेदार होती है कि झाड़ियों की काँट छाँट की कभी ज़रूरत नहीं पड़ती।

"" बोल बाँट ठुमरी में लय की काँट छाँट का अधिक काम रहता है।

काँट-छाँट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The contractor was able to shave '10 from the project, thus avoiding a Council vote on the proposal.

In particular, her 2012 look, for which she had shaved a portion of her trademark locks for the promotional single "I Love You", attracted massive media attention and initially garnered mixed reactions, but was nonetheless praised for its shock factor and contradictory styling to the typical girl-group 'look'.

Unwashed unshaven squalid figures move to and fro, among the steam that rises from the reeking bodies, mingling with the fog that seemed to rest upon the chimney tops, hung heavily above.

Ingredients used in Death by Chocolate cakes may include basic chocolate cake mix ingredients, chocolate pudding, chocolate chips, shaved or grated chocolate, whipped cream and powdered sugar.

When the case came to trial, Bindrim, who had previously been bald and clean shaven, and who held only a master's degree, had by then gained weight, grown a white beard, and been granted a Ph.

Sailed to Crosshaven, Cork.

He wears dark blue armor, has a shaved head, and appears to be older than his Doom 3 counterpart, based on his heavily weathered facial features.

Shultons formerly manufactured Old Spice aftershave before Procter " Gamble's acquisition of the brand.

He also shaved several years off his age, claiming in July 1941 and again in March 1942 that he was 11 years old.

Stansfield wears a beige suit, and is unshaven with often unkempt hair.

She had a low voice and shaved regularly to create a masculine appearance.

The DP camp at Belsen was closed in September 1950 and the remaining 1,000 people transferred to Upjever near Wilhelmshaven.

He continued to raise money to support related causes when he shaved the beard in October 2016.

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