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क्वेरेंटाइनिंग Meaning in English

क्वेरेंटाइनिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : quarantine

क्वेरेंटाइनिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Environment team enforces a strict quarantine policy and also constructs and maintains walking tracks and viewing platforms to maximize safety and minimize any disturbance to native vegetation.

In March 2020, IBC announced the suspension of telecasting their selected regular programs, this is due to President Rodrigo Duterte implementing an enhanced community quarantine in Metro Manila and Luzon in line with the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines.

Religious zealots take the war and plague as punishment for the city's moral degradation, and Veronica's home is quarantined and almost ransacked by a mob.

A fleet of four paddle steamer "river ambulances" transported smallpox patients along the River Thames to Deptford, where they could be quarantined on hospital ships, departing from three special wharves at Rotherhithe, Blackwall and Fulham.

Lazaretto, a quarantine station for maritime travelers is an autobahn in western Germany.

He and a small group of slaves returned in early November, but Philadelphia was under quarantine and they were rerouted to Germantown, then ten miles (16"nbsp;km) outside the city.

The birds hatched from eggs collected in remote northeastern Russian tundra earlier and spent 60 days in Moscow Zoo in quarantine in preparation for the 8,000"nbsp;km journey.

It initiated systematic garbage removal and the institution of a port quarantine.

"Ichiban Benjo Maru" – ; due to an outbreak of bacillary dysentery that required quarantine.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore, all change of NRIC address should be done online; benefitting local residents under Stay-Home Notice (SHN), quarantine order, fever, or having medical certificate; and to minimise the spread of virus transmission in public places.

In the absence of scientific knowledge concerning the cause of yellow fever, nearly half (10,000 out of 25,000) of the city's panicked residents fled despite the imposition of quarantines.

While on a space mission, NASA astronaut Neil Stryker (Glenn Corbett) crashes and is hospitalized in quarantine for a long period of time.

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