क्वियर Meaning in English
क्वियर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : queer
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प्यास शांत करना
शमन करनेवाला
क्वेरी भाषा
क्वियर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अक्टूबर 2010 में, उन्होंने कार्लोस क्वियरोज और नाइकी द्वारा फुटबॉल के साथ साझेदारी में दिल्ली में बाईचुंग भूटिया फुटबॉल स्कूल की स्थापना की।
भारतीय लेखक जूडिथ बट्लर (जन्म फ़रवरी २४, १९५६) एक अमरीकी दार्शनिक और नारीवादी विचारक हैं, जिनके कार्य का प्रभाव राजनीतिक दर्शन, आचारशास्त्र, तथा नारीवादी, क्वियर, एवं साहित्यिक सिद्धांतों पर हुआ है।
इनमें ट्रांस-मेन, ट्रांस-विमन, इंटरसेक्स या जेंडर-क्वियर और सोशियो-कल्चर आइडेंटिटी जैसे हिजड़ा और किन्नर से संबंध रखने वाले लोग भी शामिल हैं।
"" उसी वर्ष ग्रीन डे क्वियरकोर बैंड पैन्सी डिविजन के साथ अपनी प्रारंभिक कार्रवाई के रूप में एक राष्ट्रव्यापी दौरे में शामिल हुआ।
आर क्वियरिंग-जोच के अनुसार, एनसाइक्लोपीडिया ईरानिका:।
क्वियर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
While known as a sex worker activist, Brooks' research and advocacy expands to broader topics of gender and institutions, women of color and mental illness, queer race identities, women in the media, race and class.
The group was started in May 2000 and had 31 members, mostly white, queer and transgender, and were a feminist collective.
Their performances were centered on dismantling racism, sexism, gender binaries, ideal bodies and even militarism and they mostly performed in queer spaces or progressive spaces for fundraising and marches Lip synching and dancing were regular components of their shows.
Deeming that as ramblings of a self-hating-Indian that was meant to stereotype and vilify Hindus, she mocked the queer rights movements to be a Western import that went contrary to the ethos of Hindu public life and middle class values.
Included was an interview with Cookie Tuff of Subtonix and Aaron, as well as his participation in a round-table style discussion between several queer-identified musicians, including Martin Sorrondeguy of Los Crudos and Limp Wrist, and Gary Fembot and Iraya Robles of Sta-Prest.
In 1982, The Link printed its first ever queer special issue, which some students found to be controversial.
The London Dyke March emphasizes diversity, including bois, queers, femmes, butches, and lipstick lesbians.
The rally is held outdoors, includes speakers and performers who are women identified and queer identified, and is ASL interpreted.
A prime example of this is Denise's tendency to say, "You're retarded!" or "You're so queer!" to which Sully replies, "You are" and immediately starts making out with her.
The album was released in 1995 by the queercore independent record label Chainsaw Records.
In the same interview, they described themself as "definitely a queer person, but [.