शमन करनेवाला Meaning in English
शमन करनेवाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : quencher
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शमन-करनेवाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Molecular oxygen, iodide ions and acrylamide are common chemical quenchers.
The chloride ion is a well known quencher for quinine fluorescence.
Dexter electron transfer is a short-range phenomenon that falls off exponentially with distance (proportional to e−kR where k is a constant that depends on the inverse of the van der Waals radius of the atom) and depends on spatial overlap of donor and quencher molecular orbitals.
In most donor-fluorophore–quencher-acceptor situations, the Förster mechanism is more important than the Dexter mechanism.
Static quenching can be a dominant mechanism for some reporter-quencher probes.
Dark quencher, for use in molecular biology.
Bottles were also marked with the words, "Evian – Kylie's official thirst quencher for the 2002 Fever Tour".
This dimerization and activation of RNase L can be recognized using Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), as oligoribonucleotides containing a quencher and a fluorophore on opposite sites are added to a solution with inactive RNase L.
The FRET signal is then recorded as the quencher and the fluorophore are very close to each other.
Trishnasok"nbsp;– A thirst quencher pill.
and had developed a good water exhaust gas quencher.
The method relies on a DNA-based probe with a fluorescent reporter at one end and a quencher of fluorescence at the opposite end of the probe.
The close proximity of the reporter to the quencher prevents detection of its fluorescence; breakdown of the probe by the 5' to 3' exonuclease activity of the Taq polymerase breaks the reporter-quencher proximity and thus allows unquenched emission of fluorescence, which can be detected after excitation with a laser.