क्वाड्रिप्लेजिया Meaning in English
क्वाड्रिप्लेजिया शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : quadriplegia
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क्वाड्रिप्लेजिया इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
One of its stars, Mark Zupan, winced when describing how embarrassed he was to have his mother hear his remarks on the sex lives of persons with quadriplegia.
The effects of long term exposure can include [flaccid quadriplegia and Sorento may refer to:.
Standers are used by people with both paraplegia and quadriplegia since a variety of support options are available to accommodate for mild to severe disabilities.
Tada wrote of her experiences in her 1976 international best-selling autobiography, Joni: The unforgettable story of a young woman's struggle against quadriplegia " depression, which has been distributed in many languages.