चौबगला Meaning in English
चौबगला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : quadrupe
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चौबगला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The limb bones of Cantius frugivorus suggest it moved by arboreal quadrupedalism and leaping.
Alamosaurus was a gigantic quadrupedal [with a long neck and tail and relatively long limbs.
Based upon limb morphology, Pronycticebus neglectus moved by quadrupedalism, leaping, and climbing.
This species is less of a leaper than the notharctines and used slow quadrupedalism less than the adapines.
As a quadrupedal, ground-dwelling [Vulcanodon already showed the typical sauropod body plan with column-like legs and a long neck and tail.
Acanthopholis was quadrupedal and herbivorous.
They distinguish kobtiy from other bony, wingless animals because kobtiy are not quadrupedal like dogs and lizards and are not limbless like snakes.
Like most sauropods, Abrosaurus was a quadrupedal herbivore but it was rather small for a sauropod, not much more than 30 feet (9 m) long.
Like most sauropods, it would have been a quadrupedal herbivore with a long neck and tail.
Although Massospondylus was long depicted as quadrupedal, a 2007 study found it to be bipedal.
This Old World monkey travels quadrupedally, usually on the ground, as it is not very agile in trees.
The other 30 percent is spent quadrupedal walking and running (25 percent) and climbing (less than 5 percent).
Granin's colleagues in direct sequels; Portable Ops features the quadrupedal design Intercontinental Ballistic Metal Gear by Dr.