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की दृष्टि खो Meaning in English

की दृष्टि खो शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lost sight of

की-दृष्टि-खो हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

एक दिन गाड़ी चलते समय एक दुर्घटना होती है और सलीना उसकी दृष्टि खो देती है।

"" चिकित्सकों को भय था कि वे अपनी आंख की दृष्टि खो देंगे और चार महीनों तक अस्पताल में भर्ती रहने के दौरान ऑपरेशनों की एक श्रृंखला के कारण वे स्कूल से बाहर रहने पर मजबूर हो गए।

चिकित्सकों को भय था कि वे अपनी आंख की दृष्टि खो देंगे और चार महीनों तक अस्पताल में भर्ती रहने के दौरान ऑपरेशनों की एक श्रृंखला के कारण वे स्कूल से बाहर रहने पर मजबूर हो गए।

की-दृष्टि-खो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The defence maintained Ruckteschell was firing over their heads at the ship, and that the boats attempted to escape and were lost sight of in the dark.

A comparison of their respective subsequent work, also of Marevna's paintings with those of Diego Rivera's later wife Frida Kahlo, suggests that Marevna never quite lost sight of him.

The importance of transcending self-interests is something lost sight of by those who see that the ultimate in maturity of development is self-actualization.

Many critics felt that the station concentrated too heavily on its news output and lost sight of its finances.

On the fifteen stage, he lost sight of Roberto Heras on a climb and ended the race second behind Heras.

Dengler and the remainder of his flight lost sight of one another.

Theater itself appears in Daisey's work, in both The Ugly American (2003), about Daisey's life as a 19-year-old drama student in London, and How Theater Failed America (2008), a monologue critical of how modern theater has lost sight of its original mission.

As a former student of the master Backstop, Dark Commander Scourge (Ankoku Shireikan Flame Convoy) sought to bring peace to the Jungle Planet, but in using his vast strength to crush all opposition and accomplish his goal, he lost sight of his teacher's ideals and ruled the world through intimidation and shows of power.

It would be unfortunate if, by focusing on the criminal justice system, we lost sight of the profound social, cultural and economic problems which confront Aboriginal people".

Variety disagreed, however, calling it "a rambling, episodic account" in which "the original premise of the Mari Sandoz novel is lost sight of in a wholesale insertion of extraneous incidents which bear little or no relation to the subject.

Friedrich der Grosse, König, two Nassau and three Helgoland-class battleships fired on Warspite for a period of about 20 minutes; Warspite was hit 11 times before the Germans lost sight of her.

Their wingman tracked the parachutes as the crew descended, but lost sight of them due to poor visibility and flak after the crew were within of the ground.

The divisions of Greene and Stephen advanced so quickly that Alexander McDougall's Connecticut Brigade lost sight of them.

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