लोटेड Meaning in English
लोटेड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lotted
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लाटरी,नम्बर निकलना
लॉटरी विजेता
कमल भक्षक
कमल का पौधा
कमल की स्थिति
लोटेड हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" अधिरचना को एक फ्लोटेड डिस्क-आकार वाले वास्तुशिल्प टुकड़ा के साथ ताज पहनाया जाता है जिसे अमालक कहा जाता है, और एक फूलदान (कलस) इसे मुकुट के फाइनल के रूप में घोषित करता है।
अधिरचना को एक फ्लोटेड डिस्क-आकार वाले वास्तुशिल्प टुकड़ा के साथ ताज पहनाया जाता है जिसे अमालक कहा जाता है, और एक फूलदान (कलस) इसे मुकुट के फाइनल के रूप में घोषित करता है।
लोटेड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Fegredo's six-issue miniseries, Darkness Calls, was the first Hellboy miniseries that did not feature Hellboy creator Mike Mignola on art (Mignola plotted the book).
In cases of poor visibility, a crow was released, and the navigator plotted a course corresponding to the bird's flight path because the crow invariably headed towards the nearest land.
They are plotted as dramas taking place in a high-school setting and include a medley of porn genres including bukkake, gokkun, S"M, simulated rape, urolagnia, anal sex, orgies and even occasionally scat and bestiality.
Concentration can be plotted over time, so that the fluctuations and trends in concentration can be observed.
A modified version of the OMOV system proposed by NDProgress was utilised at the 2003 leadership election with the modification being that labour delegates would be allotted weight equivalent to 25% of the overall vote.
In 1918, Lockhart and fellow British agent Sidney Reilly were alleged to have plotted to assassinate Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
Most accounts are allotted 50 GB download (and 10 GB upload) quotas, after which the bandwidth is reduced 10-fold, down to 1 Mbit/s.
The kingdoms of Kartli and Kakheti, and the eastern part of the principality of Samtskhe, were allotted to the Safavids which had already garrisoned the Georgian capital of Tbilisi.
The ejido (public farmland allotted to citizens) of Mexcaltitán consists of an extensive area of land and water, and is considered considerably superior to other nearby ejidos in the same district consisting of the cities of El Mezcal, Aztlán de las Garzas, San Miguel Nº 2, El Nuevo Mexcaltitán and San Vicente.
If the taker finishes any section before the allotted 1 hour time limit, the remainder of the time is added to break time.
However, Alkyone plotted to kill Princess Diana (as part of her overall quest to return Hippolyta to the throne).
There are several exceptions to these limits allowing more than allotted within the statute.
In 1943, new numbers were allotted in a continuous block from 8890 to 8991; these numbers were applied between January and December 1946, but before this could be done, the oldest ten, nos.