कम से कम प्रतिरोध Meaning in English
कम से कम प्रतिरोध शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : least resistance
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कम-से-कम-प्रतिरोध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
If no valve were employed and both compressors were merely routed directly to the intake manifold, the supercharger would blow backwards through the turbocharger compressor rather than pressurize the intake manifold, as that would be the path of least resistance.
An abnormally growing pituitary adenoma, sitting on the bony sella turcica, will expand in the direction of least resistance and eventually invade the cavernous sinus.
The asilid pierces the integument of the prey with the prepharyx (hyopharynx) in preferential points of least resistance as the eyes, the membranous area of transition between the head and thorax (neck) or between thorax and abdomen, or between the last urotergiti.
Following the path of least resistance, water began penetrating the bank, causing the soil within to liquefy and weaken the bank until it failed.